Bro. Michael A. Botelho, P:.M:., 33rd degree
Member: Basin Spring Masonic Lodge #386, Eureka Springs, AR - Wor. Master - 1995
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, S:.J:., Valley of Fort Smith,AR. - Wise Master - present
King Hiram's Masonic Lodge, Provincetown, MA.
Perpetual member: Ashley Lodge #66, Berryville, AR.
"Carroll County Mason of the Year" - 1994
Grand Lodge Committee on Publicity - Grand Lodge of Arkansas
Grand Tyler - Grand Lodge of Arkansas - 1999
Fellow of the Perfect Ashlar Society of AR, by act of the Grand Master, 2000
Official Representative of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in Arkansas
Official Representative of the Grand Lodge of Costa Rica in Arkansas
Member: A:.A:.S:.R:. (SJ) Valley of Fort Smith, AR and Valley of Little Rock, AR
K:.C:.C:.H:. of A:.A:.S:.R:.(SJ) - 1997
Received 33rd degree of A:.A:.S:.R:. at Washington, D.C. - 2003
Legion of Honor of the Supreme Council of DeMolay - 2003
Charter Member: Scottish Rite Research Society, Washington, DC
S:.R:.R:.S:. Contributor's Award, 2001
editor - Carroll County Mason electronic journal.
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