Member of the Former Design Group 'World Tree' 

Partial Project Listing  

Also visit the Softfox project listing... My Resume 

Consoled            Multi-Emulator Front-End        8-17-1998
This project was done in the intention to create a front-end for my new Libretto palmtop which didn't crash constantly, was small and efficient, and could do the useful things I wanted to do, such as rar or zip compression (support for compressed roms as well as actually compressing them inside the program.)  It's not perfect or anything, and doesn't support various switches for all the emulators, but it's quick and works.  (Plus I have the fun of selecting the little built-in icons I want to use.)  This program is free to use.

     Download Consoled

Project Mango       2-D Adventure Game System    1998            (Confidential : Ongoing current project.)
Current Status:
    Conventional player movement - rudimentary projectile attack.  Partial item inventory interface completed.  (Currently single-player only.)
    Enemy motion and partial complex AI priority system.
    Scrolling conventional tile-engine completed - 16-bit without DirectX support.
    DirectInput keyboard input system completed.

TerraEd    2-D Tile Editor      1997
Created for use in the 'Circle' with the Unreal engine, this was intended for use as a map editor for doing terrain sheets, more specifically to allow for quick and useful 2-D tile editing on top of the heightmap.  It has no 3-D capability aside from the assignment of height levels to tiles.
First Large-scale Windows95 application written using Visual C++ 5.0.  Interface utilizes multiple frames, modeless dialog boxes, simple custom graphics routines, etc.. 
The Circle (Unfinished)    1995-1997 
Early prototypes ran under Epic's Unreal engine, though the game was largely underfunded and large-scale progress never took place.  My work on the project consisted of Unreal programming, learning Visual C to develop the game, assisting some in game design/theory, and output of project sections to demonstrate the game.  However, it was too large-scale for development by our small team and arrangements fell through to finish the design. 
As a result of the Circle's needs, the 2-D Tile Editor was developed, targeted as a heighmap tile editor for the Unreal engine which may or may not be utilized. 


Fast 2-D Space Shooter for IBM computers in the classic shooter 'carnival' style. :) 

Written using Turbo Pascal 7.0 and extensive assembly language. 

Download Tyrian Shareware 2.0 
Download Tyrian Patch 2.1 
Download Tyrian Ship Editor 
Download Tyrian Cheat Document

Published By Epic Megagames

Due to a case of boredom nearing one Christmas while Tyrian was under development, Destruct was created simply for my own whim, basically a real-time version of Scorched Earth in 256-color VGA. :)  The main part of the game took about 3 days.  If only most games were that easy and quick to create. :)

VGAQuest         1993 
Gosh, unoriginal name. :)  This was a development project of my own to make an adventure game system similar to the Adventure Construction Set by Electronic Arts.  Basically just to allow lots of items, VGA graphics, etc. and to be totally user-editable.  Only was partially working when I started converting the graphics engine over to what became Tyrian. :)

Probably nobody remembers this game and I imagine for good reason.  Still, I did make it and it was interesting at the time. :)  Was basically an animated adventure-arcade game, primitive, using Pascal without any assembly, I believe.

Furry Artwork
While I often create the artwork for my own games and things that I need, somewhat recently I've taken my own unprofessional interest in doing more 'creative' endeavors, leading to such silly artwork.

Odd Music
Not entirely certain how better to put it, one should just say that I do aspire to music as well, from time to time, though what I create is not normal or entirely good, either.  Still, I maintain it as a side interest and resource of knowledge.