Visit Furry Friends... 
Location: Germany 
A good friend of mine who wanders through life as a swashbuckler-type bear.  Collects lossa furry art.
Location: Northeast Maryland 
Very good friend of mine who lives up in Maryland.  Likes Sonic the Hedgehog a *lot*, furry art, and plushies. :) 
FurryMuck, FluffMuck, ICQ
Pascal's rat (no, really).  Enjoyable, silly, and tickly - a bundle of energy.
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina 
Nice, helpful, silly fennec friend who takes care of a whole household of furries. 
Jurann Foxtail
Location: Louisville, KY
Drove him around annoyingly one day when he was visiting nearby in North Carolina.  I imagine his stress levels have never quite been the same again. :)
Pascal Q. Porcupine 
wonderful little porcupine.  knows a great deal about computer programming and is a lot kinder than I often give hir credit for. :)
Location: The University Of West Alabama 
A vaguely-related friend of the family - the Digital Green Iguana.  Someone to ask about computer parts for fun. :)
One of my relatives on my muck, my sister lives in the tranquility and safety of Sillenshaw Glade, but enjoys visitors.
Location: Silver Spring, Maryland 
The inflatable fur!  Lives with Rigel, who runs the DC-furry list and his own anthro page.