~ Dragons ~

Wings beating, 
Giant heart racing, 
I am borne aloft, 
Carried higher by the wind, 
By my own power, 
By the wonder that I am. 

I am a Dragon.

Strength of life, 
Magic aids me, 
Mystery cloaks me, 
Terror surrounds me, 
Glory precedes me, 
Disaster may follow. 

I am the Dragon.

Dragon Art
Hunger befits me, 
Stealth may elude me, 
My prey not in sight, 
Or in sight beyond sight, 
But I feel it, 
I hunger and I find. 
I capture. 
I feed. 

I am Dragon.

Wealth enraptures, 
My temptation, 
My desire, 
My need, 
If fills the space, 
The emptiness, 
The isolation, 
The space I earned. 

Because I am Dragon.


~ I Am Dragon,    by Calypso ~