
Sometimes liberals are thought to be Christians who have backslidden; people who don't have enough faith, or are too "in the world." Liberal Christianity, however, is not a watered-down version of "true orthodoxy." Rather, it is a way of approaching God, Jesus, the Bible and salvation from a stand-point grounded in experience and reason. It is an honest approach to understanding the Christian faith, and its place in an ever changing world. Most of the world's greatest and most influencial theologians are liberals. Many of your neighbors go to liberal churches. But what is a liberal Christian exactly? What do they believe? What don't they believe? Here is a short article on some of the finer points of liberalism.
That the Bible is inspired seems to be evident in its character and insight. Despite the fact that its many books and letters were written over a period of nearly one thousand years, its unity as a whole is impressive. It contains conceptions of the divine that rise above culture and occasion. Its moral and ethical teachings, as well as its invitation to a new and better life in God, continue to inspire and challenge the individual as well as society. And yet, in our praise of the Bible, it is easy to get carried away and make an unrealistic assessment of the character and authority of Scripture. Does the Bible contain absolutely no errors or contradictions? Is it wholly and completely the "Word of God?" Read on and decide for yourself.
Something happened after Jesus' death that caused his scattered followers to once again put their faith in his message. The Bible says that he was "raised from the dead." However, the reports of his resurrection are fragmentary, disjointed, and sometimes even conflicting. Did Jesus come back to life on Easter morning? Was his resurrection physical? Read on to find out more.