Many people see BCHS students down town at all hours of the school day and in many of the businesses. Most of us know what they are doing and why. I would like to take this opportunity to share this information with you. The students you see uptown are in the Work Experience program at BCHS.

This is the 10th year of this program. BCHS entered into the program when it was first introduced in Saskatchewan. Mr. Loehndorf and Mr. Selin piloted the program and I have been involved for the past five years.

What is the program? Basically it is an introduction to the world of work for the students. The program has been very successful mainly because of the businesses with their involvement in the program. The business people have been super suportive with providing the students with places to work. They provide training, supervision, and evaluation for our students. Almost every business has a student. Some businesses don't because - maybe students did not choose to go there. The business community has been very generous with their support for the program and this has made it a great success.

By partaking in Work Ed, students have an opportunity to experience various jobs which they may like to do for a career. Some will learn what they don't want to do, which is just as important. While at the business, they all learn how to work, what is expected of employees and what the reality will be like in the next year or years to come.

The program is optional for all students in Division IV. Usually we have around the same number of students in Grade 10 as we have in Grade 11- 12 combined. Last year we had a total of 66 in all. Students can option out of the program at any year so they can pick up other classes. The program is for all levels of acedemic students.

Not only do the students work at the businesses but there is also an in-class component. What do they cover? Grade 10's learn about - what is work?, work expectation, worker roles, self-awarness, interests, abilities, values, employer-employee relations, Career Explorations, job search, resumes, application forms, cover letters, and interviews.

Grade 11 - 12 look at - changes in the world of work, job obsolescence, training programs, Unions, governments, skills on the job, communication skills, interview processes, job search, entrepreneurship, Business organization, partnership, contracts, and companies.

This is a quick over view of the program and how it works. It has been very successful. Many students have recieved part-time and full time jobs as a result of their Work Ed experience.

Again i would like to thank all the businesses int he program - without your support it wouldn't work.

Mel Tryhuba


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