Principal's Message

Welcome to BCHS and our school homepage! I would like to start out the Principal’s message by thanking Jennifer Deyenberg (Gr 12 student and Senior Ring) for bringing our homepage to life. We have been talking about it for a number of months, and it was her actions that made it a reality. The comments and bouquets that have been coming to our school as a result of the homepage are appreciated by Jennifer and the entire school.

BCHS is a rural school with a student population of approximately 300 students in grades 7-12. Where we are different from a majority of rural school is that our population in Div IV is always larger than that of Div III. At the Div IV level (Gr 10) students from St. Gabriel’s School come to our school.

I am quite proud of the staff and students at BCHS for their ability to combine an excellent academic program - offering the core subjects as well as a number electives including Band, Industrial Arts, Visual Art, and some Humanities; with a superb extra curricular program. The extra-curricular program has achieved success at all levels and sports. Over the last few years we have won or been in the Provincial Finals in Ladies Golf and 6-Man Football, competed at the Provincial level in Cross Country, Volleyball, Badminton, and Track and Field, and been competative in Basketball. We are proud to say that our school is a working model of ‘Education Through Sport’ in that we provide our athletes exposure to all sports.

In addition to the sports, the school shines with its Band program. A combination of our regular Band program and Stage Band represent BCHS in fine fashion at our own band concerts, Provincial Competitions, and our local parade.

Our school is very normal, but one element that sets us apart is from many rural schools is our future. Our population has increased steadily over the last few years and we are in the process of a ‘building project’ (which we hope is the official term for new school). The excitement in our community was at an all time high last April when the Minister of Education attended a press conference at our school to make the announcement. Since then it has been anti-climatic while we go through the various stages of pre-construction. Please check back occasionally to see how the process is going!

In closing I would like to thank you for viewing our website and hope that if you ever have the opportunity, that you would feel free to stop in for a tour. If you are an alumni, please tell other alumni about this site. You will want to check back frequently for Jennifer (and helpers) are steadily updating the homepage. As you browse elsewhere, we at BCHS will continue Striving Today to Succeed Tomorrow.

Mr. J.D. Sopczak

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