Encoded: Second Coming - 07/24/00 11:40:04
My URL:http://www.yeshuaisback.net
1>A Concurrent Analysis of the Bible Code, “sealed book” spoken of by the prophet Daniel(Da 12:9), and the Biblical Text on the Second Coming of Christ. 2>Focusing on God Fulfillment of the Seven Major Covenants in relation to End-Time Events. 3>Revealing the hidden information concerning the returned Messiah and the Two Witnesses in the most sacred of all Biblical Scriptures: Mezuzah. www.yeshuaisback.net

Angelis Cacheon - 10/01/99 08:50:33
My URL:/WestHollywood/Stonewall/6514
My Email:cacheon@hotmail.com
I haven't the slightest clue what led me to our website last night, but it sparked an interest that kept me up the whole night learning as much as I possibly could. I can honestly say, this information has already begun changing my life. A.C.

Hans-Friedrich Tamke - 01/30/99 01:33:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/lab/5985
My Email:tamke@hotmail.com
I encourage evolutionists and creationists to add the adjective creationary to their active core vocabulary. It is a useful adjective that all evolutionary and creationary theorists and thinkers ought to know. Creationary should be used alongside evolutio ary in the context of the ongoing creation-evolution debate. Have an excellent day!

- 01/20/99 06:12:18

KJ - 01/04/99 01:08:26
My Email:klian@hns.com
Hey Bud! Tried calling you, which planet have you disappeared to this time?

R. Lash - 10/31/98 05:13:03
My Email:drshok@hotmail.com
oops...first ones a dud. I'm excited at the prospect that there may be validation to the concept of an all powerfull God. I am even tempted to get my own Bible Code CD Rom. I'd check every 666th letter. (the number of the beast) I've read some of the critics of the Code, and their scoffing seems hollow somehow.

R. Lash - 10/31/98 04:59:26
My Email:drshok@hoymail

10/26/98 11:19:01
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

E. Bosley - 03/02/98 00:01:18
My Email:eab@tusco,net
Are there "cliff notes" about specific things that have been found. Are there any indications of what might lie ahead?

Beth Keller - 02/27/98 01:21:03
My Email:BethKeller@aol.com
Well done! Although I have only skimmed the site and haven't read most of the articles, I am impressed with the variety of topics covered on this one page. I also like the variety in your "suggested readings" list. I'll be back:-)

GEOrge wells - 01/11/98 02:34:29
My URL:http://www.GEOcities.com/athens/8525
My Email:Gwells@GEOcities.com
I've changed my mind. My favorite pet peeve is number two, not number five.

DJ Chuang - 01/08/98 02:02:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/djchuang/
My Email:djchuang@cheerful.com
wow, man, you're getting into heavy theological and almost epistemological stuff... good man! glad to see that your grey matter is being put to good use, and that you're learning a lot.. now on your quest of truth, what have you found that addresses the onundrumatic tension between gospel and culture? see http://www.aamdomain.com/cac/

This is a test - 01/07/98 15:58:10
My Email:protochiron@geocities.com
This is still a test!

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