essay writing

Essay writing and techniques

Internet Research Assistant is a page with references and links to assist the student in writing research papers from start to finish. THIS WEB SITE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as is Dr. Qwen's Research Paper Information Page.

How to Write an Independent Study /Essay The information contained in this manual will help you to write an essay, independent study or research paper for even the most fastidious teacher.

For more information about writing an essay/study, check out the sites listed below:

Paradigm Online Writing Assistant

Writing a Basic Essay

The University of Victoria Writer's Guide

Writing Essay Exams

 Brought to the web by popular demand, Strang's Survival Rules. Get a good start on that Independent Study or Research Paper with these rules.

The MLA Format will help you put your literary or history essay in a format that will be acceptable to any teacher?

The APA Format will assist you in developing a format for your science paper..

Grammar Teacher Are you grammatically challenged? Try this "guick fix".

Grammar Crammer Stop! Are you stuck because you do not know how to write correctly? This is the definitive grammar site.

If you are still having problems with your style, try the ELEMENTS OF STYLE web site. This site could very well be entitled "Writing with Grammatical Confidence."

Don't forget to visit The Student Corner. There you will find excellent examples of essays, short stories and poetry. See you there!

  Remember to e-mail me with your suggestions.