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Elysian Fields {i-lizh'-uhn}. In Greek mythology Elysium, also known as Elysian Fields or the Isles of the Blessed, was the dwelling place after  death of virtuous mortals or those given immortality by divine favor. The poets Homer, Hesiod, and Pindar variously  describe this happy land as being on the banks of the river  Oceanus at the edge of the Earth. In Vergil, Elysium was  part of HADES.

There is a wealth of knowledge in the web pages that I have created. These pages have been painstakingly compiled to help a student with his or her literary studies. The information found on these pages, however, should not and must NOT be used as a substitute for original thinking.

The notes are not a substitute for reading the text itself or for the classroom discussion of the text.

Please, take Forrest's advice

So, let's get started.

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click here to obtain immediate access to Essay Writing Techniques or click here for the Student Korner (essays, short stories and poetry written by students)

(NOTE : If you are experiencing difficulties loading the pages of this web site, please be patient. It is not the fault of your computer or the Net. Geocities is most often the busiest in the evening. The wait, however, will be well-worth it - guaranteed - R. Strang.)

Some of my favourite links


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This page is dedicated to all my students - past and present - who have been, who are and, I am sure, who will be , a great source of inspiration for me - for many years to come.

All I Need To Know About Life I Learned From My English Teacher

After many demands and threats, I am putting my picture on the Net - HERE.

Counter people have journeyed to my site.




This page was last updated on Monday, May 5th 2003

"Do not ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

September 11th, 2001. The Day That Will be Burnt Into Our Psyches Forever.