| Pluto, nicknamed Hades, is the god of hell. Aptly named as the ninth
(known)planet located way out from the Sun, it is a smallish object whose orbit
sometimes impishly dips inside that of Neptune, thus making it (Pluto) at times the
eighth planet from the Sun. | | It is just plain devilish of it to scamper
closer to the Sun that way when it is so inclined (see John Milton's Paradise
Lost for similar Satanic behavior). Pluto's symbolism is unmistakable. In
any dictionary to any language, there are more "devilish" or
evil-connoting/denoting adjectives than "nice" ones. Is this a reflection
maybe of the fact that mankind is fascinated by the Negative? Or does we
use negative thoughts to emphasize good ones? As in "thou shalt nots..." Hmm. |
So, to live better, longer and more comfortably, visit this planet--click on --
here from time to time and you will stay out of trouble. |