go back to security...
The "red planet," fourth out from Earth and named after the Roman god of
war. The color red, which Mars shows as a tint when viewed in the sky (see
Uranus), is used in several ways on Earth symbolically--often as
suggestive of blood or at least fever and feverishness. Mars looks reddish
because of all the sand on its surface. Like the rest of the Solar System,
and possibly the Universe, it is utterly uninhabitable. It is monstrously
like a burnt-out cinder or (un)heavenly leper. Yet, like Venus, it has
and still is (see link to NASA)--the source of a lot of sci-fi nonsense
alleged "life" on its surface. E.g., those (in)famous would-be Martian
and "other traces of life"--thanks to Profs. Lowell, then later
out to be nothing more than natural cracks and fissures etched out on its
lifeless, parched surface.
At our site, Mars is the main depository for thinking and writing
about military defense and security. The offerings are dedicated
to the proposition that after 14,000 wars in recorded human history,
and some 150 just since World War II, something should be done to prevent
any more of them, especially in an age of rocket-delivered thermonuclear
warheads. And if war cannot be prevented, our country at least should be
secure and protected against threats of enemy or accidental nuclear and/or
terroristic attacks--whether from inside, outside, across the world, or in
form of Asteroids crashing in on us from outer space (see Asteroids).
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