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AL as a 12-year-old canoeing (bow) on the Au Sable River in Michigan. Camp counselor paddling stern blamed me for the impending collision but it was really his fault. By age 16, I was an expert canoeist. Camping is my idea of sublime fun! ---->
<---- If there is anything that will refresh body and soul it is canvas sailing. This is me doing just that years ago: tacking in a stiff breeze and watching the cormorants and terns doing their thing.
Inexpert surfing @ Nantucket------------->
Knocked together traps (1950's). Drumming to stereo ---->
<-----Our softball team at McGraw-Hill. We were runners-up as N.Y. city champs (1970's). I pitched (upper right).
I did a stint in the USAF. Which was...interesting
<-------Me in Moscow, Russia
One of my latest books, a review @>

STALIN'S OTHER WAR SOVIET GRAND STRATEGY 1939-1941, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002.
Stalin's offensive war plans against Hitler documented, September 22, 2002.
Reviewer: Thomas Titura...from Austria This is an important new book by an expert on Soviet history.

"Albert Weeks presents the reader with a lot of newly discovered secret information from documents from formerly closed Soviet archives.

Among these documents are transcripts of Stalin?s famous toast to graduates of the Military academies from the 5th of May, 1941, and the text of Stalin's previously hotly disputed secret speech to the Soviet Politburo, dated August 19, 1939, just days before signing the Hitler-Stalin Pact including its secret protocol about the territorial division of Poland, the Baltics and Bessarabia. The text was discovered in Russian archives and has also been confirmed by diary entries of Comintern head Dimitrov. Stalin predicts that Germany will have to fight a long war against France and England, allowing the Soviet Union to sovietize not only defeated Germany but also France.

An even more important document is from the Soviet General Staff. It is a war plan against Germany, calling for a pre-emptive strike against German forces! The document, titled Considerations of the Plan for the Strategic Deployment of the Armed forces of the Soviet Union in Case of War with Germany and its Allies?, is dated May 15, 1941. It has been prepared mainly by General, later Marshal, A. Vasilievsky, Deputy Head of the Operations Department of the Soviet General Staff (Stavka). The Memorandum was presented to Stalin by Commissar of Defense S. Timoshenko and Chief of the General Staff G. Zhukov.

The document Considerations (some 15 pages long) is explicitly calling for a pre-emptive strike against German forces. This is fully in line with the offensive military doctrine of the Soviets that called for Deep Operations into enemy territory (a fact confirmed by many Soviet Officers and historians, but neglected and disputed by Colonel Glantz and historian Gorodetsky, both of whom are using pro-Soviet arguments throughout their books. In fact, Weeks deals both Glantz's and Gorodetsky's apologia of Stalin a deadly blow with his well researched book. Glantz and Gorodetsky have been granted access to Soviet archives precisely because they stick to the official Soviet historiography, I believe).

Weeks uses a number books and documents that have only recently been published in Russia, and thereby allows the reader to form his own opinion based on these materials. This is a great advantage over many other books that try to ignore every little detail that might contradict the author's arguments. Some of the documents in this book have never been published in English language before in their entirety. The wealth of information Weeks is able to present Stalin's 'offensist intentions' is convincing to anyone with an open mind. There can be no doubt: Stalin had detailed plans of attacking Hitler, it just happened that Hitler managed to strike first. The only criticism I have about this book is, that the Considerations are not published in their full length (The document has been fully published in Austria and Germany, however).

Anyone with an interest in the latest revelations from Stalin's archives should read this fascinating book. Highly recommended!"

Canoe trip with my class at School.

Al Weeks ©

Supersonic tortoise...............> Mach turtle
Pullman scar..................> berthmark
Sleeping bag...................> napsack
Shrimp market...................> prawnshop
Romantic part...................> sweet role
Trumpet tone....................> blewnote
Glazier's complaint.............> window pain
Groupie..........................> band aide
Witch's instrument................> hag pipe
Execution chamber..................> noose room
Crying contest.....................> bawl game
Old French rock.....................> Gaul stone
Hitchhiker's levy....................> thumbtax
Castle guard duty.....................> knight watch
Golf date.............................> tee time
Bad tree.............................> naughty pine
Fat adolescent........................> oval teen
Macho guy..............................> male man
Bosphorus windbreaker....................> Straitjacket
Base-stealer's wound.....................> slide burn
Garbage detail...........................> slop lifting
dieter's home.......................> litehouse
Medieval sleep wear......................> knight gown

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Folks back in the 1960's
played HEAD GAMES.
One was called Day Dog/Night Dog
//Day Cat/Night Cat.

Another was: Horse/Muffin/Bird.

Everybody is a DD or
ND; DC or NC. Likewise, everyone
is either a Horse,
a Muffin, or a Bird.

The best way to get into this is with
tagging famous people living or dead.

E.g., John Wayne is
a...right! Day Dog.

Bette Davis, a...right!
Night Cat.
And so on. Get it?
With H/M/B, it's even easier.
Any TV trio will be one of these.
E.g., Johnny Carson (Horse);
Merv Griffin (Muffin); Dick Cavett
(Bird). See?

Now consider the three evening network
news anchors: Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw,
and Dan Rather. One must be
a Horse, one a Muffin, the third, a Bird.

So, can you correctly identify them?
Look at the following picture. It may
help you:

Were you right? Rather (Horse); Brokaw (Muffin); Jennings (Bird).
It's possible to switch H/M/B IDs between Rather and Brokaw.

More fun stuff on the way! Bet u can hardly wait!

This hammer's doubling as a metronome

So are these mallets

Terra Firma
Wild Cards
The Boss
The Sky








The Sky



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