Rourke, TAKING SIDES CLASHING VIEW (TS) 2nd Edition, 2004.
WORLD ALMANAC 2004 Additionally, instructor will hand out special xeroxed updated readings as world events dictate. These short readings are an integral part of the course and must be thoroughly assimilated class by class. Material studied in these hand-outs will be included on quizes and tests. An extremely important accessory for input on world affairs is weekly-newsmagazine reading (foreign news)--preferably US News & World Report but Time and/or Newsweek will do. Students are expected to read daily press coverage of major international events touched in the course--either at home or in campus library. Students should audit TV network news broadcasts (6:30-7:00 p.m.) as often as possible and view such helpful panel discussions as the Lehrer Report on Channel 3, 7 p.m. Time should be set aside during each week for this important addendum to the class if the student wishes to do better-than-average or better-than-below-average work in the course.
Preparation/quality of dialog.........25%
Term Essay.................................25%
All-round participation and improvement in conducting topic discussions, attendance, and tests...................................50%