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Here, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, lies a belt of assorted
fragments of various sizes orbiting the Sun. They revolve in sometimes
unpredictable tracks--"eccentric orbits"--whose properties are not
in all cases precisely known or calculated. Some asteroid fragments
(believed to have been left over after a collision or cataclysm that
destroyed a former planet in that same orbital path) are the size of melons; others
measure dozens, even hundreds of miles across. There are thousands of
them. Sometimes they careen in toward us at distances that are less
than that of our Moon from us, i.e., a couple of hundred thousand
miles of even less. It has been estimated that if an Asteroid of only
some 3 miles in diameter ever hit Earth's two main oceans, tidal waves
miles high would enundate landmasses worldwide. Places like Long Island, the Florida
Keys, or Nantucket would be utterly decimated. The toll in human life and
property would be intolerable. Yet here on Earth we have deployed no
whatever against this tangible threat...and likelihood. If there ever was
an argument (see Mars) for defense against missiles and other unwanted
from inner (cis-terrestrial) or outer space, it is the Asteroid Threat.
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