hello again. if you've read my main page thoroughly, you know that i'm an alum of the Noteables, Harvard-Radcliffe's Broadway Beat. The Noteables often write (and sometimes perform) parodies, most of which are about life at Fair Haavaad. Below you'll find a few that i've written. Those marked with a star (*) have been performed in concert. enjoy...

i could have danced all night
memory *
on my own *
a whole new world *
the hard-knock life *
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious *
empty chairs at empty tables *
matchmaker *

"i could have danced all night" (My Fair Lady)

i could have crammed all night
i could have crammed all night
instead, i'm unprepared
i should have gone to class
it might have helped me pass
i haven't got a prayer
i'll never know what made me so uncaring
my senior tutor now will hear
i only know i'm screwed
'cause of my attitude
because i slacked, slacked, slaaaacked
all year.


* "memory" (Cats)[performed Spring '99]

not a sound from the river
everyone's in the Yard now
it's a snow-covered scene
in the morning,
they'll be taking their final exams
but tonight is -
Primal Scream.
every student seems to fear
the tests tomorrow morning
people shrieking, as the crowd starts streaking
all the premeds are home snoring.
in a crowd in the moonlight
what a feeling of power
feel adrenaline flow
maybe next year
those wimps who hold their cameras will run
'cause the Scream is
just for show


* "on my own" (les miserables) [performed Spring '98]

on my own in empty sanders theatre
all alone - i had to get here early
for the front row, so he'll see i'm understanding
i love the way he talks about supplying and demanding

lecture on! oh, marty, you're enthralling
and i think economics is my calling
professor feldstein, i know ec 10's the best -
and i do all the readings and i take each unit test

yes, i know he doesn't know my name;
and i'm just another face within the crowd
but although i'm a frosh and he's the prof,
still i say i can get this "A"

my friends say that this is pure futility
but i'd love to maximize utility
if i'm lucky, in the future - who knows when? -
maybe i could be a teaching fellow for ec 10!

i love ec...
i love ec...
i love ec - but only with prof feldstein...


* "a whole new world" (aladdin) [performed Spring '99]

i can show you the Yard
camera-shaped science centre
"grow in wisdom" - you'll enter
see the statue of three lies

a harvard tour
a hundred thousand things to see
i'll take you to the Mac, and lead you back
come and see the Yard with Crimson Key

unbelievable sights -
hear the hist'ry of ice cream
harry widener's ice dream
and his mother's tearful pride

a harvard tour
with our 10,000 men to cheer
we'll walk around for miles, with plastic smiles
"we all lived in thayer freshman year"

[dramatic musical interlude]

a love story -
you'll never have to say 'sorry'
so if you'll follow me, it's plain to see
that you can lead the world with Crimson Key!


"maybe" (annie)

maybe in the Core, or maybe in C.S.
someday i'm going to find one -
somewhere, an interesting class
maybe english 10, or in psychology
someday before graduation -
don't want a B.S. degree

betcha they're fun - though no piece of cake
bet the professor keeps students awake
betcha they're packed - and lotteried, too
would i get in? my gosh, what i'd do...
so maybe in the spring, now it's my senior year,
i'll find a class that will change me, maybe

betcha you'd learn - betcha they're cool
might even make us _like_ going to school
maybe they're tough, with no curve at all
don't really care - just keep me enthralled
so maybe this year's CUE will show a 5 point 0
please, just one good class could save me, maybe...


* "it's the hard-knock life" (annie) [performed Spring '99]

it's the dorm crew life for us
it's the dorm crew life for us
'stead of free time, we get brooms
cleanin' other people's rooms
it's the dorm crew life

scrub the showers, wash the floor
think you're done? you've got 12 more
leaky toilets? not my job.
and is ev'ry guy a slob?
it's the dorm crew life

don't it seem Dorm Crew Captain's always growlin'?
don't it seem this is adding to our stress?
once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in?
it's easier than cleanin' up the mess
they complain if the mirrors are left streaky
they don't care you've done forty-seven sinks
they don't hear that your joints are gettin' creaky
and every single freshman bathroom stinks

dirty shower life
rotten dour life
grimy tile life
full of lysol life

spotless sinks they think they'll get
spotless sinks? ain't seen one yet
through your dirty towels i wade
doncha know i'm _not_ your maid?
it's the dorm crew life

"you'll stay here, til this floor shines
like the windows of william james hall!"

yank the whiskers from her chin
make her clean the sinks again
don't ask where her duster's been
we love you, dorm crew captain!

it's the dorm crew life for us
no one wants to take you out
when you're cleaning tile grout
it's the dorm crew life
it's the dorm crew life -


"tomorrow" (annie)

my grades'll come out tomorrow
betcha harvard kicks me out tomorrow
i'll be gone
just thinkin' about my sorrow
when my senior tutor "wants to see me"
oh, what fun

explaining that "D" - my T. F. hated me
that "F"'s in a core - need i say more? oh...

my grades'll come out tomorrow
so i'll face the ad board's wrath tomorrow
hell to pay
tomorrow, tomorrow, i dread you, tomorrow
what would i do for an "A"?
tooooomorrow, tomorrow, i dread you, tomorrow
what would i do for an "A"?


* "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (Mary Poppins) [performed Spring '99]

i live in P-F-O-R-Z-H-E-I-M-E-R
We're proud it takes an alphabet to spell our name, yes we are
Rolls right off the tongue and yes it will impress your sweetheart
Just tell her P-F-O-R-Z-H-E-I-M-E-R

un diddle iddle iddle un diddle i...

i lived out in old Grays West when i was just a frosh
The name was short - i thought somehow it made the building posh
But i can see that i missed out, and i'm so glad that now
The biggest word you ever heard's the house that i call home now!

i love dear P-F-O-R-Z-H-E-I-M-E-R
Glad i'm not in M-A-T-H-E-R by the river
Though it takes an hour to get to class from out where we are
Still i love P-F-O-R-Z-H-E-I-M-E-R!


* "empty chairs at empty tables" (les miserables) [performed Spring '97]

There's a big screen no one sees now
There's a light board - why's it on?
Empty chairs at empty tables
Loker Commons, crowds are gone

Here they talked of "student centres"
Here we thought that Neil might care
Here we thought we'd get McDonald's
But McDonald's isn't there

From the booths back in the corner
You could see the world pass by
But the Crimson Cash soon ran out
Why is the price so high?
The awful food that they are serving
Ain't worth half what they're asking
To the Greenhouse we'll go from now on...

Loker Commons, please forgive us
The Greenhouse sets a better mood
Besides, they have more computers,
Better coffee, better food.

Phantom faces at the window
Crazy light-board flickers on
Empty chairs at empty tables
Loker Commons, crowds are gone

Loker Commons, please don't ask us
We're not quite sure what went wrong
Empty chairs at empty table
Loker Commons, crowds are gone...


* "matchmaker" (fiddler on the roof) [performed Spring '98]

datamatch, datamatch, find me a mate
Fling me a fling, get me a date
Datamatch, datamatch, tell me I can
Still get me a Harvard man!

Datamatch, Datamatch, I study gov
I'm just a jock looking for love
Datamatch please won't you find me a dame
To cheer for me at the game?

Dear Data, computerized cupid
my formal's only three weeks away
i know that blind dates are stupid -
but i've had no dates since may!

Datamatch, Datamatch, i want a date
someone first rate
please don't be cruel
there must be someone for me at this school
So fling me no fling
rock me no jock
won't mean a thing
Catch me no catch...
Unless it's a Datamatch!


back to dreaming...