Marnie Alexis Friedman, FSA, MAAA

Work Experience

AEGON Transamerica, Los Angeles, California
Staff Actuary, October 2005 to present
Price term and universal life insurance. Instrumental in development, pricing, and filing of new return of premium term product. Filing new UL product. Helped redesign actuarial student program for the 2005 examination transition.

AIG SunAmerica, Los Angeles, California
Actuarial Manager, Product Development, January 2005 to October 2005, Senior Associate, June 2002 to January 2005
Manage one actuarial student and one ASA, and mentor another actuarial student. Develop and model new variable deferred annuity products and features. Build and maintain pricing models for existing variable deferred annuities, prepare monthly profit study of substantially all variable products, and meet with the President of the company to set promotional interest rates. Attend monthly product initiative meetings with the President and heads of legal, marketing, and sales; attend bi-weekly meetings to see initiatives through to implementation. Review contract and prospectus language and create prospectus examples. Prepare actuarial memoranda and non-forfeiture demonstrations for state filings, and Reasonableness of Charges memoranda for the SEC. Help respond to actuarial questions from state regulators. Handle requests for sales exceptions. Created mentoring program for entry-level members of the department. Redesigned actuarial student program for the 2005 examination transition.

AXA Financial (formerly Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States), New York, New York
Senior Actuarial Associate, June 2001 to May 2002
Member of the Actuarial Development Program. In the Pricing and Quality Assurance department, developed and updated pricing models for a new SPDA product; also priced variable deferred annuities. Reported monthly and quarterly performance for variable investment options, and created and updated fee example tables for prospectuses.

Actuarial Associate, June 2000 to June 2001
In the R&D, Health, and Special Projects department: Adjusted annuity reserve model to reflect a proposed Actuarial Guideline for Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefits; developed ongoing experience studies to analyze annuity persistency, generating monthly reports for agency managers; studied the Life Underwriting System and suggested improvements for recording and processing the data therein. For the Disability area, priced legal settlements on disputed claims, ran monthly reserves, performed lapse studies, assisted in transitioning the business to our reinsurer’s third-party administrator.

Actuarial Assistant, August 1999 to June 2000
In the Corporate Actuarial Support team, compiled exhibits to determine 1999 dividends for Whole Life (and other products). Established guidelines to determine if and when dividends become taxable. Developed alternatives for interest crediting on a product portfolio, priced legal settlements, and analyzed performance of a closed block of policies. Helped design, write, edit, and code Actuarial Development Program website.

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Course Assistant/Lab Leader, fall 1996-1998
For Math Xa (pre-calculus and calculus) and Math 1b (second-semester calculus): Graded problem sets three times per week. Taught semi-weekly labs and held weekly office hours. Enabled interaction among students and facilitated hands-on learning. Regularly discussed student performance and presentation of material with professor. Helped set course-wide test-grading standards.

Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Boston, Massachusetts
Actuarial Intern, summer 1997
Traced Workers' Compensation claims from 1993 through 1996 to forecast 1998 ALAE-to-loss ratios (Allocated Loss Adjustment Expense) for all states, individually and countrywide. Studied the impact of changing rates for the Fire and Allied (and Glass) lines of business. Also worked with Crime and General Liability Umbrella lines.

United States Office of Personnel Management, Washington, D.C.
Actuarial Intern, summer 1996
In the Office of Actuaries, analyzed 1996 rate reconciliations and 1997 rate proposals for more than two dozen community-rated insurance plans (using Traditional Community Rating, Community Rating by Class, Adjusted Community Rating, and blends thereof) for the Federal Employees' Health Benefits Program. Checked rating documentation, adjusted rates to generate future payments from the contingency reserve, met with representatives from the Office of the Inspector General to discuss potential problems with upcoming audits, counter-proposed and finalized 1997 rates for the Federal group.

Actuarial Accreditations

FSA - (Fellow of the Society of Actuaries) - August 2003
MAAA - (Member of the American Academy of Actuaries) - August 2002


Harvard University, Class of 1999 -- Cambridge, Massachusetts
Graduated cum laude in Mathematics. Senior honors thesis on Stochastic Game Theory. John Harvard Scholarship, Elizabeth Cary Agassiz Scholarship, Harvard College Scholarship, and Elizabeth Cary Agassiz Certificate of Merit, for academic achievement of highest distinction. Dean's List all semesters.

Other Activities

Society of Actuaries Course 8 Finance/Enterprise Risk Management Committee, 2004 to present
Member, Board of Trustees of Temple Beth Am, 2005 to present
Founder and Co-Chair, YABA: Young Adults @ Beth Am, 2005 to present

Computer skills: TAS, PTS, MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, ClarisWorks.
Programming Languages: LaTeX, HTML, Visual Basic for Applications, SQL.
Familiar with Mac OS, Windows, and UNIX operating systems.

References available upon request.

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