This is Ansteorra's Kingdom Device.
Ansteorra is one of the 15 Kingdoms of the
Known World which comprise the Society for Creative Anachronism,
or as it is commonly refered to, the
SCA. The SCA is comprised of people who are striving to recreate the Middle Ages, (our cut off date is 1600 A.D.), as it
should have been, not as it was. What this really means is that
we leave out the Dysentery, Cholera, and the Plague. To find out more about the SCA just click on the link and look at their web site.
Regular Meeting Times and Places
Our regular Fighter Practices are held at Maxie Park on Saturday afternoon on 24th Street east of Quaker behind St. Mary's about 12:30 P.M. and Tuesday Nights at Godbold Center on 19th Street just west of University, starts about 6:30 PM
Our Populace meeting is held on the first Tuesday night fighter practice of each month at Godbold Center, On 19th Street just west of University. It starts about 6:45 P.M.
Barony of Bonwicke Officers
The Baron and Baroness
Vallust Balstene and Baroness Ascelyn Balstene
SENESHAL | Lord Jasper Condrington |
CHRONICLER | Lord Kainin Tepésa |
KNIGHT MARSHALL | Lord Godfrey de Maine Gauche |
CHIRURGEON | Herr Erasmus Totengraber |
HERALD | Lord Bjorn Lochlannac |
ARCHERY MARSHAL | Lady Oriana Francesco |
HOSPITALER | Lady Ceitidh Nic Illean |
REEVE | Lady Niccola Visonti |
MINISTER OF CHILDREN | Lady Margaret of Bonwicke |
RAPIER MARSHAL | Lady Magdelena Medina de Polanco |
MINISTER OF ARTS AND SCIENCE | Lady Revekka Rostovskaya |
Lord Gustav Hastings
Lord Bjorn Lochlannac
Lord Chiang Ti Lung
Lord Jasper Cordrington
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Baronial Supporters
Baronial Champion
Centurion Gustav Hastings
Baroness Champion
Lord Toshiro Koi
Baronial Yeoman
Lady Oriana Francesco
A&S Champion
Baroness Gunnora
Baronial Signet
Lady Oriana Francesco
Baronial Bard
Lord Hugh of Bonwicke
Steward & Lady in Waiting
Lord Godfrey de Main
The Honorable Lady Niccola Visconti
Baronial Court Herald
Lord Kainin Tepesa
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ARTISANS | Baron Gareth |
BREWERS | Sir Maximillion |
CULINARY ARTS | Baroness Anastasiya |
GOLD KEY | Lady Oriana Francesco |
HERBALISM | Baroness Ascelyn,OL |
LEATHER WORKING | Centurion Gustav |
NEEDLE CRAFT | The Honorable Lady Torfengr |
WATER BEARER | Lady Marlyna |
This is a publication of the Barony of Bonwicke, Kingdom of Ansteorra and in no way speaks for the the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
If You have any corections, additional information, or suggestions, please contact me, Lord Bjorn Lochlannac.