Hail, Blushing Goddess, Beauteous Spring!
Hail, blushing goddess, beauteous Spring!
Who, in thy jocund train dost bring
Loves and graces, smiling hours,
Balmy breezes, fragrant flowers;
Come, with tints of roseate hue,
Nature's faded charms renew.
Yet why should I thy presence hail?
To me no more the breathing gale
Comes fruaght with sweets, no more the rose
With such transcendant beauty blows,
As when Cadenus blest the scene,
And shared with me those joys serene.
When, unperceived, the lambent fire
Of friendship kindled new desire;
Still listening to his tuneful tongue,
The truths which angels might have sung
Divine impressed, their gentle sway,
And sweetly stole my soul away.
My guide, instructor, lover, friend,
Dear names in one idea blend;
Oh! still cojoined, your incense rise,
And waft sweet odours to the skies.
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