Thomas Lodge

Love's Pursuit

Tunr I my looks unto the skies,
Love with his arrows wounds mine eyes:
If so I gaze upon the ground,
Love then in every flower is found:
Search I the shade to fly my pain,
He meets me in the shade again:
Wend I to walk in secret grove,
Ev'n there I melt with sacred Love:
If so I bain me in the spring,
Ev'n on the brink I hear him sing:
If so I meditate alone,
He will be partner of my moan:
If so I mourn, he weeps with me,
And where I am, there will he be.
When as I talk of Rosalind,
The god from coyness waxeth kind,
And seems in selfsame flames to fry,
Because he loves as well as I;
Sweet Rosalind, for pity, rue!
For why than love I am more true:
He, if he speed, will quickly fly;
But in thy love I live and die.

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