Catherine Cockburn

Caution | The Vain Advice

The Caution

Soft kisses may be innocent;
But ah! too easy maid, beware;
Tho' that is all thy kindness meant,
'Tis love's delusive, fatal snare.

No virgin e'er at first design'd
Thro' all the maze of love to stray;
But each new path allures her mind,
Till wandering on, she lose her way.

'Tis easy ere set out to stay;
But who the useful art can teach,
When sliding down a steepy way,
To stop, before the end we reach?

Keep ever something in the power,
Beyond what would thy honour strain:
He will not dare to aim at more,
Who for small favours sighs in vain.

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The Vain Advice

Ah, gaze not on those eyes! forbear
That soft enchanting voice to hear:
Noy looks of basilisks give surer death,
Nor Syrens sing with more destructive breath.

Fly, if thy freedom thou'dst maintain,
Alas! I feel th'advice is vain!
A heart, whose safety but in flight does lie,
Is too far lost to have the power to fly.

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