John Clare

An Anecdote Of Love | First Love | I Hid My Love | Love Lives | Love's Memories | Love's Pains | Song | To Mary | To Mary: It Is The Evening Hour

An Anecdote Of Love

When April and dew brings primroses here
I think love of you at the spring o' the year.
Did I harbor bad words when your garter fell off?
I to stoop was deterred but I stood not to scoff.
A bit of brown list of small value must be,
But as it lay there 'twas a diamond to me.

Ere back you turned to pick it up
I noticed well the place,
For children there for violets stoop
With many a rosy face.
I fain would stoop myself you see
But dare not well presume;
The blackbird sung out let it be,
The maid was in her bloom.

How beautiful that ankle was
From which that garter fell,
And lusty was the bonny lass
Whose name I dare not tell.
I know the color of her gown
Her bonnet ribbon too;
The fairest maiden in the town
Is she that wears the blue.

Though years have gone but when I see
The green spot where it fell,
The stitchwort flower delighteth me
There blooming in the dell.
And years may come no winter seers
The green haunts of the dove,
Those wild flowers stand the blight of years
Sweet anecdotes of love.

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First Love

I ne'er was struck before that hour
With love so sudden and so sweet;
Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower
And stole my heart away complete.
My face turned pale a deadly pale,
My legs refused to walk away,
And when she looked what could I ail
My life and all seemed turned to clay.

And then my blood rusehd to my face
And took my eyesight quite away;
The trees and bushes round the place
Seemed midnight at noon day.
I could not see a single thing,
Words from my eyes did start;
They spoke as chords do from the string
And blood burnt round my heart.

Are flowers the winter's choice?
Is love's bed always snow?
She seemed to hear my silent voice
Not love's appeals to know.
I never saw so sweet a face
As that I stooed before;
My heart has left its dwelling place
And can return no more.

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I Hid My Love

I hid my love when young while I
Couldn't bear the buzzing of a fly;
I hid my love to my despite
Till I could not bear to look at light.
I dare not gaze upon her face
But left her memory in each place,
Where ere I saw a wildflower lie
I kissed and bade my love goodbye.

I met her in the greenest dells
Where dewdrops pearl the wood bluebells;
The lost breeze kissed her bright blue eye
The bee kissed and went singing by.
A sunbeam found a passage there,
A gold chain round her neck so fair;
As secret as the wild bee's song,
She lay there all the summer long.

I hid my love in filed and town
Till e'en the breeze would knock me down;
The bees seemed singing ballads o'er
The fly's buzz turned a lion's roar.
And even silence found a tongue
To haunt me all the summer long;
The riddle of nature could not prove
Was nothing else but secret love.

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Love Lives

Love lives beyond
The tomb, the earth, which fades like dew.
I love the fond,
The faithful, and the true

Love lives in sleep,
The happiness of healthy dreams
Eve's dews may weep,
But love delightful seems.

'Tis heard in Spring
When light and sunbeams, warm and kind,
On angels' wing
Bring love and music to the mind.

And where is voice,
So young, so beautiful and sweet
As nature's choice,
Where Spring and lovers meet?

Love lives beyond
The tomb, the earth, the flowers, and dew.
I love the fond,
The faithful, young and true.

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Love's Memories

Love's memories haunt my footsteps still
Like ceaseless flowings of the river.
Its mystic depths say what can fill?
Sad disappointment waits forever.

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Love's Pains

This love, I canna' bear it,
It cheats me night and day;
This love, I canna' wear it,
It takes my peace away.

This love, wa' once a flower;
But now it is a thorn-
The joy o' evening hour,
Turn'd to a pain e're morn.

This love, it wa' a bud,
And a secret known to me;
Like a flower within a wood;
Like a nest within a tree.

This love, wrong understood,
Oft' turned my joy to pain;
I tried to throw away the bud,
But the blossom would remain.

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I wish I was where I would be
With love alone to dwell;
Was I but her or she but me
The love would all be well.

I wish to send my thoughts to her
As quick as thoughts can fly;
But as the winds the waters stir
The mirrors change and fly.

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To Mary

I sleep with thee, and wake with thee,
And yet thou art not there;
I fill my arms with thoughts of thee,
And press the common air,
Thy eyes are gazing upon mine,
When thou art out of sight;
My lips are always touching thine,
At morning, noon, and night.

I think and speak of other things
To keep my mind at rest;
But still to thee my memory clings
Like love in woman's breast.
I hide it from the world's wide eye,
And think and speak contrary;
But soft the wind comes from the sky,
And whispers takes of Mary.

The night wind whispers in my ear,
The moon shines in my face;
A burden still of chilling fear
I find in every place.
The breeze is whispering in the bush,
And the dews fall from the tree,
All sighing on, and will not hush,
Some pleasant tales of thee.

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To Mary: It Is The Evening Hour

It is the evening hour,
How silent all doth lie,
The horned moon he shows his face
In the river with the sky.
Just by thepath on which we pass,
The flaggy lake lies still as glass.

Spirit if her I love,
Whispering to me,
Stories of sweet visions, as I rove,
Here stop, and crop with me
Sweet flowers that in the still hour grew,
We'll take them home, nor shake off the bright dew.

Mary, or sweet spirit of thee,
As the bright sun shines tomorrow.
Thy dark eyes these flowers shall see,
Gathered by me in sorrow.
In the hour when my mind was free
To walk alone - yet wish I walked with thee.

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