Ah! Yesterday Was Dark And Drear | Once We Played

Ah! Yesterday Was Dark And Drear

Ah! yesterday was dark and drear,
My heart was deadly sore;
Without thy love it seemed, my dear,
That I could live no more.

And yet I laugh and sing today;
Care or care not for me,
Thou canst not take the love away
With which I worship thee.

And if tomorrow, dear, I live,
My heart I shall not break:
For still I hold it that to give
Is sweeter that to take.

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Once We Played

Once we played at love together-
Played it smartly, if you please;
Lightly, as a windblown feather,
Did we stake a heart apiece.

Oh, it was delicious fooling!
In the hottest of the game,
Without though of fortune cooling,
All to quickly burned Life's flame.

In this give-and-take of glances,
Kisses sweet as honey dews,
When we played with equal chances,
Did you win, or did I lose?

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