General Christo-Pagan Links and Information

Christianity and My Craft: A site by a fellow ChristoPagan which explains how Christianity relates to her Pagan path.
Circle in the Sand: A site containing a fair amount of information and links pertaining to things Pagan.
The Celtic Cross: A Ritual: This ritual was inspired by the Creation-centered Christian mysticism taught by Matthew Fox.
The Christ and the Craft: This is a very interesting article on the place Christ and the Christ Mysteries have in the craft.
Christian Paganism: An article on some of the 'whys and wherefores' about Christo-Paganism.
The Church of the Culdees: A very well-done site with a wealth of information and links pertaining to the Culdees.
The Society of The Astral Star Home Page: An organization of High Ceremonial Magicians with a theological basis in Esoteric Christian Mysticism.

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje: A site containing info about the sightings of Mary in Medjugorje.
Hildegard of Bingen: These, and the following two links contain information about the Catholic mystic, Hildegarde von Bingen.
Hildegard of Bingen: visions of divinity.
Links Hildegarde
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary: The traditional version of the Litany.
Celestial Teachings Center - Teacher of Light
Links Toward Understanding Catholic Apparitions and Miracles

If you know of any good Christo-Pagan links, feel free to write to me at


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