This presentation alternates speaking with excerpts from Beethoven's piano sonatas. The range of emotions Beethoven expresses is broad enough to include the moods and styles of all nine Enneagram personality types. In the introduction, I briefly explain the ancient Enneagram system and talk about Beethoven's life. This is followed by a chapter on each of the types.

Neither the music nor the presentation can be described adequately in words, but here is an inkling of what it's about: Each chapter has a different structure, dictated by the different Enneagram type issues and the character of the particular music I have selected. I guide you to listen for how the music matches the general feeling and aspects of each Enneagram type, and I suggest ways to move around the Enneagram for growth, based on the music.

The Seven or "Adventurer" chapter, for example, starts with a verbal introduction. Sevens tend to shy away from commitments. They are playful and make contingency plans to ensure that life will always be exciting and fascinating.
The first excerpt is from a fun and clownish sonata movement. It begins with a short motive that seems to say, "look at me!" followed by a silly run. Sevens are usually entertaining, feel good about themselves, and get the most out of life.
The second excerpt is a fast and energetic chase. This piece runs all over the keyboard, with the right hand usually a jump ahead of the left hand. Sevens like to chase down new ways of amusing themselves and often play on the edge.

I'm a Seven and I recognized that slightly uncomfortable raced-up feeling in the music she selected to describe my type. I was especially amused by the chase." - Marion Shur Weisberg

In the final excerpt (remember, there is about as much talking as music, so you should become well acquainted with each type), we hear a bell-like motive, possibly a longing for those pleasures and adventures the Seven will never have time to fit in. This piece constantly changes pace, direction, register, and moods. It's growthful for Sevens to experience the sober side of life, starting with small doses, and to learn to stay with activities for more than a few measures at a time.

CD of "The Beethoven Enneagram"
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Elizabeth Records
1678 Shattuck ave., PMB #125
Berkeley, CA, 94709.

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