Bismillah Hir Rahma Nir Rahim
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

This is a picture of the holiest shrine in Islam the Kabah (House of Allah)
At the command of Allah, Ibrahim(as) and his son Ismail(as)
built the House of Allah - the Kabah where people could pray.
Every year millions of Muslims from all over the world go to the Kabah.
Thus they revive the memory of submission of
Ibrahim(as) and Ismail(as) to Allah's will.
In front of the Kabah are the footprints of Ibrahim on stone.
These have been preserved for centuries.
Tribe of Kuraysh
Welcome to the Oasis of the tribe of Kuraysh,
in your journey on the www highway.
In your thirst for knowledge on the internet.
On this site we will explain the origins of our tribe,
who we are, where did we come from.
What was our important role in history.
Geography of Sumeria.
Sumerian Civilization.
Sumerian Cultural and Scientific Achievements.
The Kuraysh Empire.
Because of continuing research this site will be continually

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