Welcome to Jim Elliott's Web Page

Jim Elliott - Photo
"Long time McDonnell Douglas engineer
Jim Elliott dressed in typical work outfit.
(Any resemblence to "Dilbert" 
is purely coincidental)".
Please Allow me to introduce myself...

I am a retired electrical engineer approaching 73 years of age. Although my career was technically oriented and many of my interests reflect this background,  I have not neglected religion, philosophy, History etc.  The links below amplify my many areas of interest.


I was raised as a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  My parents were missionaries for this midwest centered Mormon church.  My religious quest brought me to the Unitarian Universalist Church. Click here for my RELIGIOUS interests (talks I have given, book reviews and religious links).


The statement of George Santayana that those who don’t study History will be doomed to repeat it has become a cliché.  Nevertheless it is true.  World War 1 was supposed to end wars and make the world safe for Democracies.  Instead, the harsh terms of the Versailles treaty almost guaranteed the rise of Hitler. Americans picture themselves as the guarantors of the rights of nations.  But in 1905, when we became concerned that the Japanese navy was superior to ours, we entered into a secret agreement with Japan to give her a free hand to occupy Korea.  In exchange Japan agreed to accept the American presence in the Philippines.  Click here for my commentary titled: Theodore Roosevelt Gave Korea to Japan.

  Winston Churchill led England through World War 2 to victory. But when we review his life we find many acts of dubious morality. Click here to read about the dark side of Churchill. Was Churchill a Moral Man

Current Events

Thoughts on Iraq, impeachment, or whatever is going on. Click here for for my thoughts on current events: Current Events

World Federation

The concept of national sovereignty results in world anarchy.  The United states has thrived as a Federation in which the government in Washington legislates on national concerns and state and local governments legislate on local affairs.  Under this concept we no longer have wars between the individual states, as in the Honey war between Missouri and Iowa.  We must have a strengthened United Nations which becomes a Federal world government.  Click here for WORLD FEDERATION.

Ham Radio

When I was 12 years my Brother Frank became interested in Ham radio.  So naturally I was recruited to help him learn the Morse code and study for the government test.  I was raised in a time when radio itself was considered marvelous. To be able to communicate with other hams world wide was a thrill.  Ham radio has kept pace with technology and now Hams have satellites in orbit that we use for communication.  We can also download pictures from our own satellites.  Click here for HAM RADIO.


My interest in history pointed me towards genealogy.  Maybe it was the philosophical question “who am I” that heightened this interest.  I have visited the National archives and been able to personally handle some of the records of my grandfather from the Civil war.  I have found two books that tell of the activities of his unit, the 7th Indiana Cavalry.  I have read about Philip McIntyre, an ancestor who fought against Oliver Cromwell at the battle of Dunbar in 1639.  The Scots lost and Philip was transported to Boston and was indentured for 7 years.  Click here for my personal GENEALOGY as well as general genealogical links.


I enjoy fiction.  It has been said that good fiction is often “truer” that factual histories.   Click here for BOOKS that have impacted my life.  Click here for the GOURMET BOOK CLUB, a small group that eats and reads well.

Letters to the Editor

Let's face it, I'm opinionated.  I have written many letters to editors on current events.  Click here for LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.

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