Hey! I am a physical education instructor for grades K through 8th grade at Dallas City Elementary School in Dallas City, Illinois. This is my 21st year of teaching but I have been at Dallas City for 13 of those years. The previous 8 years were spent teaching junior high science and physical education at Northwestern Jr. High in Sciota, Illinois. I have coached just about everything at the junior high level, such as boys' and girls' basketball and track and boys' baseball. I even spent a year coaching high school girls' junior varsity basketball. I have not coached for the last two years so I can watch my own two daughters participate in their athletic teams.
Family: Wife - Kris, son - Matthew 21, daughters - Nicci 17 , and Joni 12.
My wife is the Principal at Yorkwood Jr./Sr. High School
located outside of Monmouth, Illinois.
My son Matt is a biology major in his senior year at
Monmouth College in Monmouth. Nicci is a senior in high school at
Yorkwood and Joni is a seventh grader there also. In addition to my teaching
career, I am presently going through the weekend academy classes for my
master's degree in administration. This is being done through Western
Illinois University. I just hope I can make it through until the end.
My classes of physical education offer a variety of activities for the students of our district. Dallas Community Unit School District #336 is presently on the financial certified watch list. We are fighting to keep our school doors open.
I am constantly looking for new ideas and thoughts for my K through 8 physical education classes and my 8th grade health class. I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas you might have in these regards.
are some of my favorite links that I go to for educational purposes.
I really like this one. Lots of good ideas
and lesson plans.
The Heart: An Online
Exploration Good Graphics!
The President's Challenge
Youth Fitness Program
American Alliance of Health,
Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
I look at these websites quite often.
Illinois Elementary School Association
Illinois High School Association
These are the web pages of the two
schools I am associated with. Let me know which site you like the
best. I'll take any comments.
On my way home from school, I listen
to this guy. I think his program is great and I hear that he is a
pretty good cook, too.