Let's face it ... despite the many "wrongs" within the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, there are many "rights". Not all who leave the Society or have differences of opinions within the various Bible Student groups or even among our Adventist brethren, give up totally on God and His Word. Many are motivated to "search the Scriptures" as the early Bereans did [Acts 17:11]. In these studies many have come up with some of the same conclusions as their Jehovah's Witness, Bible Student, Adventist counterparts, still many come up with differences. And still for many, such differences are forums for intellectual and stimulating conversation. Conversations which are conducted in a spirit of love and respect for one another, remember we have more in common then we do differences.
During the next few months, we hope to put up some articles from various sources on various subjects, these will include such topics as:
These and many other subjects will be discussed, we are not trying to change anyone's mind, but simply to search the Scriptures to see if these things are so. There will also be articles on the Christians life and conduct, as well as articles on prophecy and links to other sites.
Those who will be participating in this discussion will be members of the following Churches, Fellowships, Associations and Societies:
Other groups of lesser proportion will also be included, such as The Megiddo Church, The Concordat Publishing Concern,
Reformed-Minded Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. We hope to have an extensive links page to the various groups who share with us the "finer" points of God's Word.
Lord bless you all in your search for Truth!
If you are interested, feel free to contact us and tell us what you think. We are more than happy to accept helpful criticism and advice from those in cyber-space brethren.
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