COVENANT 1: The Creator has given all people righteous principles to govern themselves by in the Law of the Great Peace, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution for the United States ( up to but not including the Thirteenth Amendment), and in The Peoples Law of Peace or AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH.

We Covenant that we hold these records sacred and inviolate.

COVENANT 2: The Creator has given all people the inalienable right to form and maintain government free from oppression and to defend themselves from aggression in any form that would destroy those rights. We believe in those principles that make all people free and have adopted those in our Constitution, Laws and Covenants or AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH.

We Covenant to uphold these inalienable Rights through AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH as written.

COVENANT 3: The Creator has given us a gift of this planet, our Earth Mother, for our home and all things on it for our use, example and benefit. We wish to live in harmony with our Mother Earth and be one with all His creations. No part of this Earth is to be used for extortion by one person of another, nor to be polluted or wasted and destroyed. The Creator grants us technology and genius, to be used for the benefit of all mankind. It is to be shared equally and freely without usury or extortion.

We Covenant to live our lives in accordance with this and act as wise and honorable stewards.

COVENANT 4: The Creator has given us a Law of Existence and Stewardship. We believe that it is his desire that his children be taught to know, understand and live in accordance with this law in that; The Creator has organized all things first Spiritually and then Temporally. He has granted to all things a Life Spirit or intelligence. This Intelligence must be understood and respected. HE desires that all these intelligences may fill the measure of their creation. They do this by flourishing through reproduction, and by service to mankind. Each creation has a distinct purpose for its existence whether for our use, or as an example for us to follow. It is our responsibility to respect all life and seek out their use and example. To use or learn from these intelligences with wisdom and prudence, while allowing every intelligence to fill the measure of their creation.

We Covenant to live our lives in accordance with this Law and sustain all of the intelligences as a sacred trust given us by our Creator.

COVENANT 5: The Creator has made all things on and in the Earth, they are his and cannot be owned by any person on the earth. He does grant us the Stewardship to use them for our benefit for the time we are here. We can gain increase through the TIME we spend gathering or altering a creation but never own the end product. There is no true ownership of property. When a person has been granted something by the Creator and over time this person has lost use of it then it becomes a burden and a waste. It should be freely given to someone who needs it or can gain from it and thus nothing will ever be wasted.

We Covenant that we understand this and we will consider ourselves as stewards of the things the Creator grants unto us. and that we will give freely to those that have need any or all of the abundance that the Creator grants unto us.

COVENANT 6: The Creator expects us to keep ourselves clean both spiritually and temporally that we may commune with him.

We covenant that we will live our lives in such a manner that we will not pollute or corrupt ourselves in accordance with the Peoples Creed.

COVENANT 7: The Creator grants us AGENCY or freedom of choice, so we may choose for ourselves how we will conduct our lives. He gives us this earth and all its bounty as gifts. It is up to us if we use this these gifts wisely or unwisely. If we use them wisely it will benefit the Creation, and the Freedom and increase of all peoples, and future generations of the earth. If we use them unwisely it will lead to extortion, secret combinations, unrighteous dominion, and misery of the creation, and of mankind, and to our eventual destruction by his wrath as he eventually destroys those who refuse to live his laws.

We Covenant to live our lives wisely in accordance with this.

COVENANT 8: We covenant that we will strive to use all of our energy and material wealth for the betterment of the Peoples organized within AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH or The Peoples Law of Peace and for all future generations. That we may assist to cause that other communities should be established that will live AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH, The Peoples Law of Peace under The Tree Of Righteousness in a hope that this will spread and flourish across this continent and come to cover the earth.

COVENANT 9: We know and understand that all People are created as equals.

We Covenant that we accept one another as equals regardless of the nation they belong to or position of responsibility we hold and shall treat one another as true Brothers and Sisters with love, integrity, respect, and charity.

COVENANT 10: We covenant to abide by the requirements for entrance, loss of citizenship, and admission after loss of citizenship listed below;


REQUIREMENT 1: Any person wishing to be adopted by the People within AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH or The Peoples Law of Peace must be at least sixteen years of age (Any person under eighteen must have their parents permission) and of their own free will and choice agree to live in accordance with AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH or The Peoples Law of Peace, and live to fulfill the Covenants of the People.


REQUIREMENT 2: If a person ceases to live in accordance with AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH or The Peoples Law of Peace, or The Covenants they have made with a solemn covenant, they shall receive a warning from their Mothers Council. If their conduct continues they will receive a second warning. Again if this conduct continues they will be given a third and final warning. If they continue in their wrongful conduct they will be stripped of their place among the People and cast out into the outer world taking with them only their personal possessions.


REQUIREMENT 3: Admission may be granted a second time if a person shows to the Grand Council a sufficiently repentant spirit and any persons previously injured by them living under AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH votes for re-admission. Re-admission will not be allowed a third time.





Peoples Creed


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