Would you like to know our rating from previous customers, or just want to know what names have dropped by in the past? Take your time and browse, maybe you'll cross a friendly face. Your Hostess, Gwendolyn Star

10/26/98 11:16:50
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 08:52:49
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Mark Moziak - 05/25/98 20:51:37
My URL:/vienna/strause/1471/
My Email:moziak@acsu.buffalo.edu
Age: 19
Rate our restaurant (1 star - 5 stars): ****
Favorite literary read: THe Fountianhead
Favorite time of day: Late Night
How often do you hallucinate?: Whenever I am around Jennifer
Up or Down?, Left or Right?: Left

I once had a pet hamster. Well, twice actually.

Moontayle - 04/26/98 16:06:39
My Email:moontayle@aol.com
Age: 20
Rate our restaurant (1 star - 5 stars): Does it really matter?
Favorite literary read: Sword of the Sun Lords (as yet unreleased book of mine)
Favorite time of day: Liberty Call
How often do you hallucinate?: Why?
Up or Down?, Left or Right?: Down the street, and up the river.

For once I'd just like to see a Cat and a Dog thank each other for the Hell they give each other.

Snipley - 04/21/98 09:09:50
My Email:snipley@rocketmail.com
Age: 27
Rate our restaurant (1 star - 5 stars): 5 and half
Favorite literary read: Tale of Two Cities
Favorite time of day: 4:20
How often do you hallucinate?: once every minute.
Up or Down?, Left or Right?: First down then up then up and down.

The counter said I was visitor number 1. I feel special.

Sandturtle - 04/20/98 16:03:50
Age: 18
Rate our restaurant (1 star - 5 stars): 5 star establishment par none
Favorite literary read: A Tale of Two Cities
Favorite time of day: 5:16 in the afternoon
How often do you hallucinate?: 5-6 times a minute
Up or Down?, Left or Right?: up and down, mostly left, but sometimes right


Jennifer Summers - 04/19/98 23:51:17
My Email:st96738y@post.drexel.edu
Age: 19
Rate our restaurant (1 star - 5 stars): *****
Favorite literary read: Stall Street Journal
Favorite time of day: the 10 mins before I know I'll be going to bed soon!
How often do you hallucinate?: my therapist said not to talk about it outside of the office
Up or Down?, Left or Right?: always forward


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