
I stand alone in the clearing. The forest my protective wall. I come here often when the real world turns upside down. I sit on the damp ground looking up into the dense green foliage above me. I watch as the sun playfully dances across the green grass on the soft forest floor. I listen with wonder as the sounds of the forest enter my realm. The gay chirp of a nearby bird, the sigh of the wind running through the treetops, all this I hear, and it puts me at ease. I’ve come to escape my life, I have no interest in the thinking man’s world. I only come here to be, to experience not my life but the peace and serenity that surrounds me.

I’ve come here during every season of the year. Each time there are new wonders to be experienced. During the spring, there is a celebration of rebirth. The last of the winter snow slowly retreats to reveal the new growth of pale green grass. The trees are awakening, their branches sprinkled with buds. I listen as the creatures of the forest move cautiously around me, they too are just awaking. I’ve sat and watched during the summer months. The green canopy of leaves above me pressed against the deep glimmering blue of the sky above. The smell of the earth below me, that damp, warm, earthy smell that is quite intoxicating. I’ve watched the explosion of colors that come with the change between summer and fall. The electric orange, the deep red, and the pale yellow leaves all compete with one another for attention. I hear the animals rustling through the dry leaves on the forest floor as they prepare for the long hibernation ahead. In the winter months the forest might be thought to be at its most dreary. However, that thought would indeed by wrong because of the beauty of the delicate crystalline structures that have formed all around. The beauty of the soft blanket of snow gently laying upon the ground, untainted by smog filled air.

This place I call my own. It’s a private place within my mind. I carry it with me wherever I might go. I have no interest in the thinking man’s world I just come here to sit and watch.

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