I know what it is...

pissed is wrong. fear is right.

It's been too long since you've written. Where have you gone. Fear is right. I've known you too long, where have you gone? Scaring me shitless, Don't ditch me now. Think it would be the last straw, couldn't handle that, would completely break. Where have you gone. Left too many times before, one true friend, I was five, one true love, I was ten, one true mother, I was twelve, one true father, I was nineteen. Don't you go now, my only claim of a life, my one true life shall that be, I was twenty? Grandfather, grandmother, thirteen, fourteen. Can't take anymore. Not now, I won't. Walls are crumbling down, don't know if I should stop them, don't know what's right. Maybe this time I'll seal them up tight, never happen again, never feel anything, perhaps it's better that way.

Don't worry about sense, it doesn't matter. Forget I wrote, doesn't matter. Maybe I have more of my mother in me than I hoped. My mind isn't stable, can't even finish one thought. Hit rock bottom, now I'm drillin' deeper. need an addiction to end the pain, what shall I turn to now. Keep me sane.

-A Nameless Face

'insane asylum member for life'

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