Hello there, I see you've managed to locate our tiny bookstore. Let me explain how we operate and a bit of our background. (The boss always likes us to get the boring stuff out of the way first.)

Gwendolyn decided it would be nice to offer patrons of her restaurant a chance to check out some of the books she has read in the past. She hopes that some of her patrons might also enjoy reading the same things she has, so she decided to open her own bookstore. (In truth though, she feels that if a patron doesn't want to drop the money on a book just to go and check it out at a local library. I must say we often have to go over there to find her.)

However, in case you feel you must have your own copy, Gwendolyn has teamed up with Amazon.com (as the logo says) through thier Amazon.com Associates Program. This way you can follow the links on this page right to the books that she has put reviews up for and Amazon.com will take care of the rest.

One last thing, since our hostess has so many books to recommend, really quite overwhelming I must say, we will just feature a few each month. If you find you like her taste in literature, then check back here often to see what's new. Also if you wish to discuss anything concerning this page, or simply discuss a specific work then write to

our hostess.

Here's our selections for this month:

Sword Maker by Jennifer Roberson
.....Just a fantasy novel to let the mind wander. The story is centered around two interesting characters named Tiger and Del. Each has a history worth learning. This series of books by Jennifer Roberson are enough to keep anyone's mind busy for a few hours.

The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley
.....For anyone searching for that perfect hero's quest, I do recommend taking a look at this one. Classical fantasy at it's best, a dragon, a heroine, and much more await the reader willing to open this one.

The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams
.....Tad Williams has certainly earned my respect in the field of fanatasy writing. If you start this one make sure to set enough time aside for the rest of the volumes to follow. Mr. Williams does not cut his stories to fit anyone's specified length. Though a hefty read, the story does not suffer for it's length in fact if it was shorter I'm sure it would actually be quite disappointing. If you like vivid characters you can actually feel and settings that can make you feel like you're there, then this book is one you should pick up sometime.

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn
.....I was introduced to this one in an anthropology course I took. I must say I was surprised. If you have any interest in science, or simply an interest in the structure of our world this is one I highly recommend. It's not a dry science text, but rather a vibrant argument for the theory behind the structure of discovery. This book is written for any student of philosophy.

Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
.....Adler's book about pagans and other related ways of life has already received tons of publicity. My liking of this book actually does not come from her words about these groups, but instead from the large gathering of pagan resources contained in the appendices. For that alone I recommend this one. Perhaps it will even open your mind to something you haven't explored yet.

If these titles have sparked an interest perhaps you would like to search for something similar by going directly to Amazon.com using the following:

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