Welcome! Please sign our registry and then let us seat you at a table of your choice. Take your time and enjoy all there is. A feast to fill your mind, all you need to do is pick what you like.

Sign Registry

Oh, but a small appetizer, yet so filling.

The Wayfarer

by Stephen Crane

The wayfarer,

Perceiving the pathway to truth,

Was struck with astonishment.

It was thickly grown with weeds.

"Ha," he said,

"I see no one has passed here

In a long time."

Later he saw that each weed

Was a singular knife.

"Well," he mumbled at last,

"Doubtless there are other roads."

What would you like with your meal? We have a variety of side dishes to choose from. Perhaps you would like to try them all.

Child's Mind
My Song
One Night
Travelling through the Ages
Twelfth Hour
Untitled (Unknown)

Well then here you are, the main course of your meal. Enjoy it to the fullest and I shall return later to see if you still have room for dessert.

Fall From Heaven

Warning the following choices may cause heartburn:
I know what it is...

We here at Gwen's Bar & Restaurant would like to thank you for your patronage and hope that you will come back soon. Here are a few suggestions below for your next destination, if you have nothing else in mind.

Gwendolyn's Bookshop

A Worthy and Interesting Campaign

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Gwendolyn Star

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