Welcome to the new and improved Realm of Shadows!
There's gonna be a lot of changes in the look of this site. I've learned a lot about this web site stuff and much of what I've learned will be reflected here.
First of all, unless it's an ad banner or someone's site logo, ALL of the graphics on this and the following pages were custom-designed by your's truly!
In fact, I've even started my own website and graphic design service! You can e-mail for questions about site design by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page.
So take a look around... have fun... and be sure to check out my "Bio Page"! You can learn all about me there and find out what the biggest change of all in my life has been!

Click on the image for information on The September 11 Relief Fund
This came in my e-mail. Don't know who designed it, but it touched me so deeply, I just had to share it...

Special Thanks to; Martin J. Betters
E-mail Martin
Thanks to Gentle Touch for finding the designer of this beautiful and touching image...
Visit Gentle Touch
Please don't steal my graphics! If you like this one or any others, e-mail and ask me for them. I'll be happy to let you have them!
If you'd like to link to my page, you can get the banner shown below by clicking here.

You are visitor number...

If you'd like to see a beautiful page, check out my Yvanna's site!

Learned a few new tricks and I've started making snowglobes. Click on the little globe below and check 'em out!

Hey!!! Yvanna joined the Web Brawls and needs your vote! Click on the graphic below to vote for Paegan & Paeganess' Place On The Web! Thanks!

I had a great time at The Web Brawls and I made it through The Challenge!

I'm on the Scout Patrol for The Web Brawls!
Join the fight and maybe you'll hear from me personally!

Follow my friend to...
 My Wolf Pack Spirit Page!
Want to make friends and have fun?
 Come join us!

Vote for me in the Paintshop Pro Topsites!

This site, including design & maintenance © 1999-2002 Aragorn Lightningwolf & Lightningwolf Grafix Inc.

This site was designed by a member of...

Proud member of...
