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...Yeah, Women of the Night and Men of Stone is gone. If anyone actually notices the loss, feel free to Yell at me.

Just Like Anyone

Just Like Anyone

"...And she starts wondering what it's like
To be liked by everyone
And like everyone be just like anyone
Who just wants to be so...
Just like everyone
-Soul Asylum, Just Like Everyone

Update 5/9/02: Sorry I've been so busy. Senior year and all. ^^ Revamping the site. Expect changes. Also, just decided to post my new, non-slashy fics here as well as the slashy ones. ^^ Just since not so many people visit the other area of my site and it's easier this way.
While I'm updating, I'll ask for you to help me by emailing me with any broken links you come across. ^^;

Relationship denotations:

Yaoi- male/male sexual relationships
Yuri- female/female sexual relationships
Shounen ai- m/m love-based relationships
Shoujo ai- f/f love relationships
Warning- denotes other warnings

Gundam Wing
Tokyo Babylon/X

Blog-My online journal
Hopefully coming soon- as soon as Keenspace puts up my page, I should have an online comic strip.
Collages-My little page of collages

I do. Hit the image to go to their site.

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Dirtythoughts<*-*>Vegeta, Pan, Bra, most of the cast ^^ (click it, it's a clique- pun not intended.)

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