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  • Spork Cursors

Help the students of Sporkitsu fight against their enemies with your very own Spork Cursors!! Click and point like crazy using the power of the Spork!

To the right you see a picture of the file you will recieve when you download the Spork Cursors (in zipped format) Read the Install document for help with installing your cursors.

Download Here
Spork Cursors

  • Spork Background

May the Spork be with you on your desktop! Show your support for Sporkitsu by displaying this lovely Spork pattern as the wallpaper on you desktop!

PC Users: Simply right click on the image to the right and select "Set As Wallpaper"

Mac Users: Click and hold over the image until the menu pops up and select "Save this image as..." Under the apple menu, select "Control Panels" - "Desktop Pictures". Click "Select Picture..." and choose the image you just saved. You can use the pull-down menu to customize with how it will look on your screen (choose "Tile on Screen" to make it look like the sample below) then click "Set Desktop" and enjoy your new sporky pattern!

Click to see what it will look like on your desktop.

Spork Background

Sporkitsu and Master Sporker © 1997 by Roseangelo and Venus