To view a brief biography on any faculty member, click on the "check" to the left of his or her name.
To send email to a faculty member, click on on the email address below their name.

Special Guest Speaker:

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Sandra-Leigh Serio

Other Faculty:

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Ryan Barrrett
Email Ryan at barrett@wishes.org

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Karen David, D.D.
Email Karen at KDmystic@aol.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Lucy B. Deck
Email Lucy at Starladylbd@webtv.net

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Rev. Betty Demchak
Email address not available

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Cheryl Deyling
Email Cheryl at moon@bright.net

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Rhonda S. Donat, PHD
Email Rhonda at donatova@earthlink.net

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Louise Fimlaid
Email Louise at fimlaid@yahoo.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Helen Adams Garrett
Email Helen at helen@bignet.net

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Patricia S. "Pat" Geisler
Email Pat at spin9r@aol.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Charmain Horvath
Email Charmain at tisifone@akron.infi.net

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Rev. Elizabeth Howell
Email Rev. Elizabeth at whitewolfsings@aol.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Antoinette Imhoff
Email not available

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Kathy Ingersoll
Email not available

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Barbara Junceau
Email Barbara at bjjlibra@aol.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Sophia Mason
Email Sophia at msophia@juno.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Marion McMillan
Email Marion at mac-1@sympatico.ca

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Bud Norton
Email Bud at bud@fastrans.net

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Del Norwood
Email Del at Accesastrl@aol.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Shelley Painter
Email Shelley at shelleypainter@yahoo.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Ann Parker
Email Ann at aprofiles@aol.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Richenda "Ricki" Reeves
Email Ricki at RickiReeves@jacksonpark.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes John Rehak
Email John at ClearMind@aol.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Elaine de Sant'Anna
Email Elaine at CEugendio@aol.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Sandra Leigh Serio
Email Sandra at SandraLeigh@compuserve.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Frances T. Seymour
Email is not available

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Sylvia Jean Smith
Email Sylvia at sj.rasmith@sympatico.ca

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Rev. Victoria Sprinkle
24-hour Voice Mail at: 216-941-5579

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Laura Summerson
Email Laura at moonangel39@yahoo.com

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Donna Van Toen
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1809/ van-toen.html
Email Donna at cvantoe@attglobal.net

ck-mark.gif - 3971 Bytes Christina Wise
Email Christina at chris@wiseastrocenter.com

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