A sermon preached on October 7th on the occasion of the
baptisms of
Eddie and Cassie Cogan and based on 2Timothy 1:1-14 and Luke 17:5-10 entitled “Finding
Probably the most popular American movie ever made was “The Wizard of Oz.” In one way or another we all can identify with Dorothy and her companions on their quest for something within themselves that they feel is missing. Perhaps in this particular age, the character we most identify with is the cowardly lion who joins the quest to see the wizard because he is convinced he has no courage, hoping the wizard will give him some.
cowardly lion suffers under the common misconception about what courage is:
He thinks that courage is the absence of fear; that the brave person is
the one who feels (like the popular slogan says) “No Fear.” The truth of the matter is that there are plenty of things in
this world that it makes good sense to be afraid of, and to feel no fear in
regard to these things is not courage, but rather, as somebody said, “mental
Courage is what we have when, in the presence of fear -- in spite of our
fears -- we go ahead and do what needs to be done. Courage is where your knees are knocking and you would like
to go run and hide but you don’t -- you go ahead and face the boogie man.
In “The Wizard of Oz” when the Lion finally has his “one on
one” with the Wizard, the Great Oz points out to the Lion that he does already
have courage within him -- that he has had moments when in spite of his many
fears, he has done the gutsy thing; most specifically, when, out of his great
love for Dorothy, he was willing to go into the witch’s castle to help save
her. Courage, you see, is what
keeps our fears from getting in the way of putting our love into action.
And so, in the end, all the wizard really does is simply name the
Lion’s courage -- acknowledge his courage -- by giving him a medal.
A very similar thing is going on in this morning’s Gospel lesson.
The disciples are feeling quite scared and overwhelmed, and for good
reason. They are understanding more
clearly what Jesus is expecting from them, which is nothing less than everything
they’ve got. There is danger looming round about them -- the violence of the
Romans, the violence of the religious authorities who are opposing Jesus, and it
is not hard to realize where it is all headed. And so they cry out to Jesus,
“Lord, increase our faith!” (Courage
and faith are closely connected.)
In response Jesus says and interesting thing: “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you
can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it
will obey you.”
The mustard seed was the smallest of known seeds.
Jesus is saying, “You don’t need enormous faith.
Mustard seed sized faith will do. With
mustard seed sized faith you will be able to do all kinds of wonderful things
for the sake of God’s kingdom. And
you already have that much faith. It
is inside you. Just put it to use.”
Now the thing about a seed is that it can lie in the earth for a very
long time -- I’m told in some instances for years in fact -- not doing
anything, until finally, because, perhaps a draught finally ends and rain
finally come and the hard outer shell cracks open and the seed begins to sprout
and grow.
In other words, a seed can lie dormant, inactive for a very long time,
but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. When the right moment comes, the seed
will do its thing.
And so it is with faith and courage.
Faith is really more of a verb than a noun. We can have faith in the same way, for instance, a person
might have the ability to play the trombone.
Instead of actually playing a tune on her trombone, however, the person
keeps her trombone stored away in the closet.
But she still knows how to play.
When Jesus spoke of faith, most often it was when he saw it being lived
out. In every instance it involved
some kind of risk-taking -- somebody reaching beyond his or her comfort zones.
For instance, there is that story of the woman who had been hemorrhaging
for 12 years. She lived under the
same kind of oppression that women today in Afghanistan live under as a result
of the Taliban’s rule. She
wasn’t supposed to be out in public with men.
When, however, she heard about Jesus she sensed God inviting her to take
a risk -- to reach out to touch the hem of his garment for the sake of her own
healing. “Your faith has made you well,” Jesus said, “Go in
Faith is courage reaching out in alignment with God’s will, trusting
that God will bless our reaching out.
In this morning’s epistle lesson Paul is writing to a young Timothy.
He affirms the presence of sincere faith in Timothy’s heart, but speaks
of the need to “fan into flame the gift of God”.
The implication is that faith is present inside of Timothy like embers
that are in need of being fanned with oxygen in order to blaze into a full fire. Paul reminds Timothy that faith involves courage:
“God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power,
of love and of self-discipline.”
In order to help fan the flame of Timothy’s faith, Paul reminds Timothy
of the example of faith given to him by his grandmother, Lois and his mother,
You and I have courage living within us, but we need to fan the flame of
that courage, and one way to do that is by looking to the examples of courage
that are round about us.
This past month we have heard countless stories of extraordinary courage
arising out of the terror of September 11th.
If firemen can rush into
burning buildings to rescue people they don’t know, then you and I can
exercise courage in our own lives.
Closer at hand, we have examples of courage in this congregation:
If Art and Marion Gibson, despite Marion’s physical frailty, can open
hearts and their small home to so many disabled children over the years, then,
by God, you and I can show a little courage in the challenges of our lives.
If Myra and Hank Heitschel can keep the faith with one another through
the scary times of Myra losing her legs ten years ago and now with Myra going on
dialysis, then by God, you and I can show a little courage in our lives as well.
If Alison and Justin can bring into their home a foster baby named Eddie,
opening their hearts to him, come what may, and if Alison and Justin can take
the further step of bringing baby Cassie into this world with all the
frightening things there are for parents to worry over, then, by God, you and I
can show a little courage in our lives as well.
As the community of faith in which Eddie and Cassie will grow up, they
will need us to give them examples of love and courage.
As Christians, our primary example of courage is Jesus himself.
He died not just for some people, he died for ALL people.
As I have said before, the crisis of this age carries the danger that we
will destroy ourselves with violence; but there is also an opportunity -- that
we would learn to reach out to overcome all the barriers of race, nationality,
and religion that have led the human race to be so violently divided.
So let us fan the flame of our faith!
the kindness of Jesus,
Pastor Jeff
Our annual Church Conference will be
held on Wednesday, November 14th at 8 p.m. at our church.
Our district superintendent, Rev. Galen Goodwin will be on hand as we
elect officers, review the past year, and set goals for the coming years.
All members are encouraged to attend.
back….the Harvest Dinner was a Culinary success, and Marian Coates’
presentation was very interesting and her quilts beautiful.
women are invited to join us
Wed., Nov. 7th - 7:30 p.m. PROGRAM: Budget –
Pledge – Meeting Planning for 2002 (Bring your ideas!!) And 2002 Nominations announced Refreshments will be served |
– Gift exchange for Christmas meeting will be angels – made of
anything – and you will, as usual, pray for the person who’s angel you
6 – Election Day
12 – Veteran’s Day
22 - Thanksgiving
WELL WISHES to those of you who are ill, and....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to those of you celebrating this month with Trudy Hunt and Carol Haeussler.
God Bless,
Doris Bradley
Prov. 17:17 “A friend loves at all times.”
New members will be received on Sunday,
November 11th. If
you would like to take the vows of membership, and be a part of our mission to
be the kindness of God, please speak to Pastor Jeff.
A new members class will be held at a time convenient to all interested
Our congregation will be hosting a Community Thanksgiving Eve service on
Wednesday, November 21 at 7:30 p.m. Our friends from St. Gregory's Episcopal
Church, Temple Beth Am, and St. Andrew Lutheran Church will be on hand as we
give our thanks to God for our blessings. Since
September 11th we all feel a particularly poignant gratitude for the gift of our
lives and the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, as a well as a desire to join
together with persons of other faiths from our community.
Please join us! The combined choirs of our congregations will sing.
On Thursday, November 29th at 7:30
p.m. our congregation will co-sponsor a World AIDS Day Community Service
at St. Gregory's Episcopal Church at 490 South Beverwyck Road.
The combined choirs will perform as we pray for blessing and healing for
everyone in our world suffering from this epidemic.
Group: Every
Monday at 10 a.m. mothers of infants and young children gather for sharing and
spiritual support, led by Eunice Vega-Perez.
All mothers are welcome. Bring
the children along. The life of a
mother can be very isolating and we need to be together.
The Building Committee is selling Food Certificates for Pathmark and ShopRite as an ongoing Fund Raiser. The Building Fund will receive 5% of all purchases. Certificates are available in $5, $10, and $20 denominations. Please see Betty Polen at the beginning of Coffee Hour if you would like to purchase Food Certificates. Checks should be made payable to The United Methodist Church of Parsippany.
Thank you,
The Building Finance SubCommittee
Construction of Our New Sanctuary:
Our building committee met with the people who will be doing the
construction on our new sanctuary – the masons, steel workers, etc.
We are looking at starting our building around the 1st of
November, or as soon as the permits are received from town hall. This is truly a
dream realized!! Thanks go especially to Hank Heitschel for all of his hard
work in getting this done. Please don’t forget to keep your building pledges
up to date – we will need all the monies available so we can lower our
long-term cost of the project.
Birthday Dollars for the children of Afghanistan:
President Bush called for each child in America to give a dollar to help
care for the children of Afghanistan, where one in three children are orphans,
and half the children are in danger of starvation.
Each Sunday as children come forward for the children’s sermon, anyone
(child or adult) who is so inclined is invited to come forward and honor
someone’s birthday or anniversary by placing a dollar in the little church on
the piano. The dollars collected
will go towards “America’s Fund for Afghan Children.”
We have 1000 door knob fliers inviting
people to come visit our church. If
you can take 50 or 100 and be responsible for placing them on local door knobs,
it would be greatly appreciated. Please
speak to Pastor Jeff.
Outreach to the Poor:
Every other Monday one or two persons from our congregation are going to
Morristown at 5:45 p.m. to accompany Rev. David Turner to give out sandwiches to
the homeless and poor through the Market Street Mission.
If you would like to schedule a turn please speak to Pastor Jeff.
Our dates for serving are: October
29, November 12, 26, December 10 and 24.
becoming a part of one or more of our Musical Groups here at church:
Bell Choir – rehearses Thursdays at 6:45 p.m.. See Jim Cochrane or Tom Smith if you would like to join.
United Methodist Orchestra (PUMO) – Rehearses
Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. See Jim
Cochrane if you would like to join.
Reconstruction – Provides music for our once-a-month Sunday morning contemporary service as well as performing outside the church. See Pastor Jeff or any member of the band.
NEWS: Our Praise Band
“RECONSTRUCTION” has been on the road lately (Cokesbury UMC and Drew
University) and as Willie Nelson sings, they are “On the road again!”
On November 10, a
Saturday night, they will be playing at the Film Café in the Grace Bible Church
in Pompton Plains, after a movie that is shown at 7:30 p.m., at about 9:30 p.m.
Directions are available – see Jo Albert. If you haven’t purchased
Reconstruction’s newest CD/Cassette “Jesus In Disguise” and want to , see
Jo for that too! Any suggestions
about connections to bring them further down the road, talk to, guess who??
A Men's Breakfast is held every Tuesday at 7 a.m. at the Empire Diner on Rt. 46. It’s a relaxed time with many jokes and laughter and conversation about whatever we care to talk about, concluded with a prayer. All are welcome.
If you haven’t taken a look at web site recently, take a moment to
check it out. Kathy James has given
it a whole new look with lots of updated information.
Pastor Jeff can be reached by e-mail at
If you have an e-mail address and have not yet given it to Pastor Jeff, please do so.
Healing Prayer sessions are held on Wednesday mornings at 11 a.m. in the prayer chapel. About 12 - 15 persons have been showing up each week for this quiet, meditative time of prayer for one another. All are invited to come and be a part of this time of prayer -- for yourself or for others.
4th |
Nov. 11th |
Nov. 18th |
Nov. 25th |
1:1-4,2:1-4 |
1:15b-2:9 |
65:17-25 |
23:1-6 |
Thessalonians 1:1-4,11-12 |
Thessalonians 2:1-5,13-17 |
Thessalonians 3:6-13 |
1:11-20 |
19:1-10 |
20:27-38 |
21:5-19 |
23:33-43 |
2nd |
Marvin Labis |
23rd |
Kathy James |
2nd |
Richard Dierbach |
24th |
Dan Kinsley |
3rd |
Trudy Hunt |
24th |
David Kinsley |
4th |
Bob Scherzer |
25th |
Vera Cobun |
7th |
Tom Smith |
26th |
Anita Baldwin |
9th |
George Hawkins, Jr. |
28th |
Jeanette Nickelson |
16th |
Pastor Jeff Edwards |
30th |
Manuel Labis |
17th |
Joanne Albert |
30th |
Gary Chaffee |
19th |
Ann Nye |
30th |
Russ Schnetzer |
22nd |
Gloria Fuechsel |