Welcome to Rowan WhiteRain's Homepage

I hope that you will enjoy reading and contributing to my page as much as I've
enjoyed making it. I began making this page to help me along my path in Wiccan. I have been
studying Wicca for about two years now and am glad to say that I have found it quite the
right place for me. The first thing I want to tell you is Wicca is not a devil-worshiping religion. It is a nature bound religion and we worship The God & Gooddess.
In my opinion this is respecting both natures of one "Deity". You can not procreate without both so why ignore one?

I have done a LOT of internet research the past two months and have found that some people make it difficult to print their pages. I will try an make the backgrounds light and text dark so to make the information I share with you easier to print out. All infromation here is of course for your own personal use and of my own opinion and for the most part accepted beliefs of most sects (eg. color tables and such). I wish you success in your journey and may the Goddess bless you.

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site owned by:Rowan WhiteRain;you"

Links to other sites on the Web

This is an Occult Search Engine and I Love it!!!!
The Cauldron's Brew
This is Teen Witch and I think it's a great place for teens to have a look.

Some of the graphics are from this page. It's very nice.


Rowan WhiteRain