Welcome to my Guestbook!

Iceprincess - 06/03/00 19:36:43
My URL:http://www.angelsoftheweb.org
My Email:iceprincess@angelsoftheweb.org

Greetings...was just surfing the net and came across your site...I look forward to many more visits.

Aerin Danann - 07/20/99 18:54:31
My URL:http://roads.to/ourworlds/
My Email:aerin@iname.com

The Witch Way is my new contribution to my BOS and also my Wicca section at my pages. Here I will be taking everyday problems/situations/celebrations/occurences etc. and applying to them with the "pagan touch". I call it, doing it the Witch Way. Possible olutions for everyday problems, a new article each week! You can even send your questions into the Q&A section and I'll answer them as best as I can in the weekly Q&A.

Bright Blessings,
Aerin Danann

The Witch Way

me - 05/20/99 05:17:18
My Email:n/a

this is a test of the emergency guestbook system .. this is only a test... hahahaha

- 05/12/99 21:20:24


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