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Garry Welch is a Fellow Webm@ster of the Int'l Guild of Masonic Webm@sters
Flag of Scotland Flag of the Republic of Korea Lodge Harry S. Truman No. 1727
on the Roll of
The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons of Scotland

Kyonggi-do, Republic of Korea
(Located in Anjung-Ri)

Lodge meets at 7:00pm on the first and third Thursday of each month.

Attire is Dark Suit and Tie. Harmony follows all meetings.

Freemasonry is the world's oldest (3,000 years old) and largest (6 million
members worldwide) fraternity. Freemasons believe in the
Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man.


Year 2005 Lodge Calendar

Installation of Lodge Harry S. Truman No. 1727 S.C. 2005 Office Bearers will be held
at 4pm on 3 December in the Truman Lodge, Anjung-ri.

Lodge Harry S. Truman No. 1727 Scottish Constitution celebrated its 25th Anniversary
on December 8, 2004 meeting.

Harry S. Truman is the youngest of the Scottish Craft Lodges on the Korean Peninsula.

Visit the Grand Lodge of Scotland website. There are many new changes. The site is now maintained by Robert Cooper, the Curator of the Grand Lodge Museum and Library.

A Summer For A Lifetime: The Life and Times of George I. Purdy -- the biography of

Illustrious George I. Purdy, 33*, the first man to be Master of all four bodies in
the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Japan.

WANTED: Lost Brothers?   click here to see if we are looking for you!

What It Means To Be A Brother  by Kevin M. Tuck

Scottish Freemasonry  by Lord Burton, The Grand Master Mason

The Working Tools of Masonry   by C. Danny Wofford, Past Grand Master of Georgia, 1996-97

Past Masters   of Lodge Harry S. Truman No. 1727 S.C.

Project WhistleStop - Harry S. Truman - a digital archive on the web


Lodge Officers
Right Worshipful MasterBro. Ron L. Atkinson
Immediate Past MasterBro. Ron A. Crofford PM
Depute MasterBro. Ralph H. Nelsen PM
Substitute MasterBro. Jimmy E. O'Bryant PM
Senior WardenBro. John S. Schwendner
Junior WardenBro. Pete T. Hart
SecretaryBro. Bruce Collins
TreasurerBro. Charles L. Mark
AlmonerBro. Hi Jee Lee
ChaplainBro. Ron Pierpoint
Director of CeremoniesBro. Daryl L. Wallace
Senior DeaconBro. Greg E. Rhoades
Junior DeaconBro. John E. Tucker
Inner GuardBro. Darwin Heisey
Senior Steward Vacant
Junior Steward Vacant
TylerBro. William M. Batey

Webmaster of this site is Bro. Garry Welch

Important Masonic Links
Grand Lodge
District Grand Lodge
of the
Far East
in the
Republic of Korea
Lodge Han Yang
No. 1048 S.C.
Lodge Pusan
No. 1675 S.C.
Rose of Sharon
Royal Arch Chapter
No. 878 S.C.
MacArthur Lodge
No. 183
Grand Lodge
of the
Int'l. Guild
Masonic Webm@sters
Masonic Service
Association N.A.
The Philalethes
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Southern Jurisdiction USA
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Northern Jurisdiction USA
Southern California
Research Lodge

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Last Updated On 19 November 2004

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