The object of Our Lady of the Angels Maternity Shelter is to provide shelter to women in crisis pregnancies by offering a loving and stable family environment to support the mother and child in their efforts to create a hopeful future for themselves. It opened its doors to women in the Central Texas area who are in need of a safe harbour in which to choose life for their unborn children on October 10, 1999. The Most Reverend John McCarthy, Bishop of Austin, blessed and dedicated the shelter during an Open House that afternoon. During the Open House approximately 300 people toured the facility and enjoyed refreshments.

The shelter is housed in a 4,200 sq. ft. 2-story residence located at in Temple, Texas and can house up to twelve women. Children of the pregnant women residing in the shelter are also welcome to live at the residence with their mothers. There are six bedrooms upstairs and one bedroom downstairs for the physically impaired. The shelter also provides a prayer/meditation room, laundry room and a downstairs-apartment for the Cordi-Marian sisters who staff the residence. A 17-member Board of Directors has been appointed to oversee the operations of the residence.

The home has been completely remodeled with the costs of all renovations having been paid for by donations and grants, but without the hard work of many volunteers, money would not have been enough. Scott and Toni Donnelly donated their time to organizing the efforts of the many volunteers and workers who did all the hands-on work like cleaning, carpentry, yard work, painting, etc. Donations of carpeting, countertops, flooring, plumbing fixtures, appliances, windows--the list goes on--were tremendously generous additions. The story of the evolution of this shelter from concept to actuality is one guided by the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray for pregnant women in need of help, that they may have the courage to ask for the help that this shelter can provide and that they find hope for their future and their unborn child. Let us keep the health and safety of the unborn children of the mothers who seek shelter at Our Lady of the Angels in our prayers. And, let us also pray for all the people who have helped in any way to make this shelter a reality instead of a dream.

No one should have to face a crisis pregnancy alone, please contact us by email or by telephone through Gabriel Project at 1-877-WE CARE 2. Confidential, practical and loving help provided. We await your call.

To learn more:  
Diocese of Austin Respect Life Office There is also information here about Gabriel Project.
Project Rachel Project Rachel is a special Catholic ministry designed to help women (and men)spiritually and emotionally through post-abortion trauma.
Priests For Life; a pro-life program headed by Father Frank Pavone.
Project Rachel Outreach A site developed by Father Blair Raum

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