Jon's Device Jon's Device
(Click on name for persona info)

Jon Tristram's
SCA Archery


Welcome to my Archery Page. I am a member of The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). My local group is the Shire of Calanais Nuadh. The SCA is a not-for-profit educational organization devoted to the study and re-creation of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

To learn more about Jon Tristram, click on his name in the title.


Archery Competition

The two most common types of archery competition in the Society are the Royal Round and the Inter Kingdom Archery Competition. ROYAL ROUND A Royal Round consists of: - One end of six arrows at each of the following three distances, 20 yards, 30 yards, and 40 yards. - One end of 30 seconds at 20 yards with as many arrows as can be loosed in that time. SCORING: The target is a 60 cm five color face and scoring is as follows: Gold = 5, Red = 4, Blue = 3, Black = 2, White = 1. Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition (IKAC) The IKAC consists of six-rounds: - Three regular target rounds of two ends of six arrows each at the following three distances, 20 yards, 30 yards, and 40 yards. - Three speed rounds of two ends of 30 seconds at the same distances. SCORING The target is a 60 cm five color face. Scoring is as follows: In the Open Division: Gold = 5, Red = 4, Blue =3, Black = 2, and White = 1. In the Period Division: Inner Gold = 8, Outer Gold and Red = 4, Blue through White = 2

Click to see TargetsClick to see targets SCA Archery PageSCA Archery Page A List of Archery CompetitionsClick for List of Rules for Archery Shoots


This site is maintained by Baron Jon Tristram. A member of House Dragon Or. Dragon Or Device
email linkComments can be sent to Jon by clicking on the scroll.
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Archer Picture

This web site is not an official publication of the SCA, Inc. The information presented here is presented as a service to the populace of the Knowne Worlde. Information here should not be considered to be official statements of policy. While the information presented here is as timely and as accurate as I can make it, you use it at your own risk.



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