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Welcome to my mythology webpage!! Last year when I was assigned a school project on Greek goddesses, I found myself short of information. I noticed that there were many sites about the gods in mythology,but few spoke of the females; therefore, i descided to dedicate my homepage to the many women who complete the Greek mythology with there many powers. Some goddess do contain more information than others, but I am sure that you will be able to find the most important facts of each of them. If you wish to see information on a certain goddess that was not included in my page please email me with the name and i will do my best to better inform you. Also if you have any comments or ideas about this page don't be shy and send them to me by clicking on the link below. Hope you find everything you need!! |
In mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. There is two versions of her apparition in this world. The first one implies that she was born from the blood that fell in the sea when Cronus mutilated Uranus. This blood fertilized the waves and out came Aphrodite as white and beautiful as foam. Wife of Hephaestus, god of fire and smithy to the gods, she frequently deceived him and conceived a passionate love for Aries, with whom she gave birth to two famous children: Eros and Antares. Hephaestus could not believe the luck he had to have such a wonderful wife. He gave her lots of wonderful gifts, such as, a gold corset sown with magic. This was however a big mistake from his part because whenever she wore the corset she seduced every man in site. Aphrodite liked and was liked by many gods and mortals. The most famous of her lover was none other than Ares. She gave birth to four children all together: Eros, Antares, Hemionus and Aeneas. | ![]() |
Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto. She was born in Delos, the same day as her twin brother, Apollo, from whom she got many of her traits and attributes. She has the power to kill with the help of her arrows. Anyone who dares to insult her or her mother will pay. In general, she is responsible for the sudden deaths that occur, for her arrows are always sharp and terrifying. She is the goddess of hunting, virginity, the moon and all things natural things, such as, trees, fish, bears, dogs, bees, goats and other animals. | ![]() |
When Métis was pregnant with Athena she got swallowed by Zeus, her lover, who feared that the child she was bearing would dethrone him. Soon the god felt a huge headache starting and commanded Hephaestus to slit his head open. Athena bursted out fully armed. Gifted with a noble reason, she learned from her mother the sense of wisdom and goodness. She in fact became a precious councillor for the gods. She helped them to conquer the giants. Athena also watches with a special care the agriculture. She invented the agricultural instruments to labor the soil. She also protected each family either with their agriculture and their health. | ![]() |
Demeter is the goddess of corn, grain, and the harvest. She is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. It is Demeter that makes the crops grow each year. The first loaf of bread from the harvest is sacrificed to her. Demeter is intimately associated with the seasons. Her daughter Persephone was abducted by Hades to be his wife in the underworld. In her anger at her daughter's loss Demeter laid a curse on the world that caused plants to wither and die, the land became desolate. Zeus became alarmed and sought Persephone's return. However, because she had eaten while in the underworld Hades had a claim on her. Therefore, it was decreed that Persephone would spend four months each year in the underworld. During these months Demeter grieves her daughters absence, and withdraws her gift from the world, creating winter. Her return brought the spring. Demeter is also known for founding the Eleusinian Mysteries. These were huge festivals hold every five years. They were important events for many centuries. Yet, little is known of them as those attending were sworn to secrecy the central tenant seems to have been that just as grain returns every spring after it's harvest and wintery death, so too the human soul could be reborn after the death of the body. | ![]() |
Europa is the moon goddess. The continent of Europe has been named after this great goddess. She owned a magic spear that was always very accurate and a huge brass warrior that served as a protector of her island. Her servant was none other than the lunar bull. The Greek legend affirms that she was only a Phoenician princess and that her lunar bull was the famous Zeus. She was abandoned on Crete, of what she was the mother goddess. She however married and bore three famous kings: Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanthus. |
Harmonia is the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares. She married Cadmus, son of Agrenor, the king of Tyre. Attending their wedding were all the gods. Her mother gave her a necklace which brought her good fortune, but bad luck to her children. They were forced to leave Thebes due to bad luck and they conquered Illyrie. They governed it in the form of snakes. At their deaths, they were sent to the Elysian fields. |
Hera is Zeus's wife and sister. She was raised by the Titans: Ocean and Tethys. She is the protector of marriage and takes special care of married women. Their children are the smith-god Hephaestus, the goddess of youth Hebe, and the god of war Ares. Some sources say that her children were conceived without the help of a man, either by eating lettuce or slapping her hand on the ground. Hera's marriage was founded in strife with Zeus and continued in strife. Zeus courted her unsuccessfully. He then turned to trickery, changing himself into disheveled cuckoo. Hera feeling sorry for the bird held it to her breast to warm it. Zeus then resumed his normal form and taking advantage of the surprise he gained, raped her. She then married him to cover her shame. Once when Zeus was being particularly overbearing to the other gods, Hera convinced them to join in a revolt. Her part in the revolt was to drug Zeus, and in this she was successful. The gods then bound to sleeping Zeus to a couch taking care to tie many knots. This done they began to quarrel over the next step. Briareus overheard the arguments. Still full of gratitude to Zeus, Briareus slipped in and was able to quickly untie the many knots. Zeus sprang from the couch and grappled up his thunderbolt. The gods fell to their knees begging and pleading for mercy. He seized Hera and hung her from the sky with gold chains. She wept in pain all night, but none of the others dared to interfere. Her weeping kept Zeus up and the next morning he agreed to release her if she would swear never to rebel again. She had little choice, but to agree. While she never again rebelled, she often intrigued against Zeus's plans and she was often able to outwit him. Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revenge for Zeus's infidelities. Her sacred animals are the cow and the peacock. Her favorite city is Argos. | ![]() |
Daughter of Cronus and Rhea, Hestia belongs in the generation of the twelve large divinities of Olympus. She is the goddess of household and the sacred flame. When Zeus, her brother, received the supreme power, she got in favor the right to conserve her eternal virginity, in order to escape from the assiduities of Apollo and Poseidon. She is known as the sweetest and gentlest divinities of Olympus. She guarded the towns as well as the colonies. The colonists took the fire from her sacred flame and burned it in their new cities in order to feel protected. | ![]() |