Lady Willow's Enchanted Post Office

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ID=Crescendo CLASSID="clsid.0FC6BF2B-E16A-11CF-AB2E-0080AD08A326" HEIGHT=55 WIDTH=200> EMBED TYPE="music/crescendo" SONG="greens.mid" PLUGINSPAGE="" HEIGHT=55 WIDTH=200
Digital Postcard


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Lady Willow's Post Office Logo

Lady Willow's Post Office

This is the place to write or pick up a free Digital Postcard. Never heard of Digital Postcards? Well, it's a useful service whenever you want to send an unforgettable message to your friends. Please have a look at the sample postcard. Or consult the Digital Postcard FAQ.

How can I write or read my Digital Postcards?

Just visit the Welcome page, where you can select a postcard language.

When writing a postcard, you will be able to customize its layout by choosing optional pictures and sounds. After submission of that form a postcard preview will be displayed and you can change the settings in case you don't like your card.

NEW!!! You can upload your own images and sounds! NEW!!!

Only .gif, .jpg, .aif, .au, .wav and .mid files are allowed, the maximum file size is 35 KB. You need Netscape Navigator 2.0 or better to take advantage of this new feature. Go get it !

Netscape Navigator

The recipients will be notified about their postcard by a simple email message. They will also be informed about its location on the server. They will be provided with a unique claim check number, that all recipients need to enter, to request their postcards.

Have fun!