Enchantment level

How mayest I serve thee?

10/26/98 11:14:17
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

MisChif - 08/29/98 03:23:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cslaw/MM1.html
My Email:cslaw@earthlink.net
You have a very nice site!! I'm always glad to meet another kindred spirit! Keep up the good work. MisChif

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 08:46:01
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

TheNightWind - 12/31/97 22:59:14
My URL:/SoHo/Lofts/7062
Greetings Fellow Knight
I Bring You A Spirit Stick

To Guide Your Way

Good Luck In TheSiteFights
& Have A Happy New Year

You Are Invited To Visit My Realm

Starr and Foxx - 12/30/97 20:54:49
My URL:http://www.users.mis.net/~starr99
My Email:starr99@mis.net
Hello, fellow Knight! We just wanted to drop by and wish you luck in the Site Fights! Go get 'em! You have a great page!
Go Knights!

Please visit us too! We'd appreciate your vote if you think we're worthy. :)

Mike and Doe - 12/30/97 17:02:43
My Email:threels@infinitytx.net
Good Luck in the Fights This Week!! Visit our Site

Lora Hudson - 12/30/97 06:32:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/2859
My Email:girlscorner@usa.net
Great Page! You have surely made a spectacular site here, and I am congratulating you thoroughly. I wish you the best of luck in the site fights, as I am competing against you.

Scout - 12/30/97 05:06:15
My URL:/wellesley/6863
My Email:scout24@hotmail.com
Girl Power thinks your site is awesome!

Scout - 12/30/97 05:01:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/6863
My Email:scout24@hotmail.com
What a wonderful site--it's so beautifully done! I just voted for you in site fights--good luck. I'm in DContendA's, in ring 2. Please drop by my site and vote for us(Girl Power!) if you like it. Here's a SPIRIT STICK from me. Good luck!

Wishmaker - 12/29/97 20:42:12
My URL:/CapitolHill/Lobby/5691/
My Email:imbrugh@aol.com
Spirit Stick Great Site you have created here! I want to share the Spirit Sick with you so that you too my feel the Spirit of friendship. Also if you need a Wish of know of some one that needs a Wish then here is my Wishing Wand Cast a Wish today and whatch as the world learns how to smile. Visit Best Wishes ~Wishmaker~ Please remember to Visit my Spirit page and Vote Liberty and Justice for All web site! Wishmaker's Wishing Wand

Fairy Melora - 12/29/97 17:38:35
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~vger6/melora.html
My Email:oompaloompa@ibm.net
You have been dusted by Fairy Melora
Each tiny sprinkle of dust brings with it a gift
Red sprinkles bring luck
Green sprinkles bring cheer
Pink sprinkles bring spirit
May the light from this spiritstick guide your path to victory.
Be sure to post some cheers in SHOUT IT OUT and share your good cheer and spirit with everyone

Get a button made just for you at Button Central

Click here for a gift from Fairy Melora

Fairy LibraryCat =^..^= - 12/24/97 21:24:02
My URL:http://www.jlmmlj.com/users/michele/fairy.htm
My Email:michele@jlmmlj.com
Please let me know when you update your voting URL
This way I can let DFairy know you have the Spirit
and that I have done my job!

*You've been dusted by*


Keep the Spirit Flowing
Share the Spirit of the Site Fights

There once was a little Spirit Cat
who came to the fights to play
she met up with the DFairy, that's why she's here today!
She's has come to your site to spread Spirit and Cheer,
Her enthusiasm will not dim,

She asks that you take this Spirit Stick,
Go to Shout It Out and post a Cheer!

Angela Clouser 15/f/tipton - 12/24/97 17:53:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/angcheer/index.html
My Email:tiptoncheerchick@hotmail.com
hey i don;t know you but i saw your page and thought i'd be nice and sign this! hope you have a very merry christmas! e-mail me if you'd like! BYE! ang

Deb Tess Autumn - 12/22/97 03:12:22
My Email:glasslipeer@hotmail.com
Happy holidays
from deb tessa Autumn
Cherub champion
the valley of the 
white unicorn
please feel free to 
add us to your mail list

DUncle - 12/17/97 07:56:38
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/buttons
My Email:Duncle@thesitefights.com
Button Central
The Site Fights
This is your open invitation to stop by the newest and rapidly growing section of the Site Fights.
Button Central
Stop in and see if what we've got to offer is what you need. We'd love to have you join the fun.
Button Central

Debi Gold - 12/17/97 07:26:48
My URL:/Wellesley/4489/
My Email:micky26@geocities.com
Lady Willow, your page is delightful. I love the music and all your little decorator touches that make your page truly special. You and I are two peas in a pod...we are both into Fantasy, I love Renn Fayres and believe in Fairies! Please visit my home on he web! Wind to thy Wings! ~*Debi*~

Visit Debi's Page!

Vote For Debi's Page in the Site Fights!

Deb Tessa Autumn - 12/16/97 17:28:31
My Email:glasslipper@hotmail.com
Greetings A new week and i am so
                                Happy with all the new friend i made
You have our  continue support in your plight to win win win win win win
And if you are new  your are more welcome to add me to your mailing list to vote
                                for your wonderful site and i welcome you


Mike and Doe - 12/16/97 15:59:39
My Email:threels@infinitytx.net
Another day, Good Luck!

Mike - 12/16/97 04:46:34
My Email:threels@infinitytx.net
Enjoyed my visit to your site. Good luck in the fights. Be sure to stop by and visit.

Fairy-In-Training LibraryCat - 12/16/97 02:32:32
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:michele@jlmmlj.com

*You've been dusted by*

Keep the Spirit Flowing
Share the Spirit of the Site Fights

There once was a little Spirit Cat
who came to the fights to play
she met up with the DFairy, that's why she's here today!
She's has come to your site to spread Spirit and Cheer,
Her enthusiasm will not dim,

She asks that you take this Spirit Stick,
Go to Shout It Out and post a Cheer!

Fairy Psyche - 12/15/97 23:32:02
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies.Dfairy.html
My Email:melizabe@emanon.net
You may display any of the images below on your Site Fights Spirit Page! They are all linked to Psyche's Page!You may display any of the images below on your Site Fights Spirit Page! They are all linked to Psyche's Page!
! ~ * ~ * ~ S p r i n k l e ~ * ~ * ~ !
! ~ * ~ * ~ S p r i n k l e ~ * ~ * ~ !
! ~ * ~ * ~ S p r i n k l e ~ * ~ * ~ !

Your site has just been sprinkled for spirit by Fairy Psyche from the Site Fights!

"A sprinkling of dust from me to you, to help see your site through.
Don't forget to scream and shout, for your team...now SHOUT IT OUT!
Let Eros and I help you fight...love and soul's all you need alright!"

Love and Luck Always!
~~Fairy Psyche

Here's A Gift to You From Fairy Psyche! Feel free to display it, and link it to my site!

Lord Richard Colfax - 12/15/97 22:01:12
My URL:/SouthBeach/Lagoon/2516
My Email:archrid@hotmail.com
Spirit Stick You have a wonderful page. I enjoyed my visit to your site. Wishing you the best of luck in the upcoming week. Please stop by and visit my humble keep Lord olfax's Keep. This week I am in Tourney 1 *S* Remember to support our Knights!! Please visit The Knights of the Ring.

Honey-Bunny - 12/15/97 06:15:07
My URL:http://home.pacbell.net/kristad/
My Email:kristad@pacbell.net
Welcome to the Knights! Good luck!

Have fun and fight proudly, for you are a Knight!

Good luck in the Site Fights!!

Vote for the Hide-Away Today!

Lady kathleen * Sir Dale * Lady Char - 12/09/97 02:02:11
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/knights/
My Email:jordan@kansas.net
Scroll Scribed From  
Lady Char * Sir Dale * Lady Kathleen 
**Hello and Welcome to the Knights of the Ring*** 
We're delighted you have joined us 
Get ready for an exciting week of fun and friendship!
Post a cheer to Shout It Out and be eligible for an award!!
I wish you lots of success, much fun and many new friends! 

**The Spirit Knights art here to help Bring you Luck**  

Tomorrow - 11/24/97 14:04:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/8561/
Cyndee, such a wonderful page and yet to go through it all! Keeping this bookmarked for sure and so glad I have been blessed to find such a friend,(((((((HUGS & GOD BLESS ALWAYS))))))) WONDERFUL PAGE FRIEND!!! :)

jugs mom and #1 son - 11/18/97 22:53:10
appreciate your memorial for our beloved son and father, jughead. when you get to our city please feel free to stop by

Peggy Jennings - 11/16/97 01:43:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/2323
My Email:p71851@swbell.net
Sorry it took so long! The more you do the better it gets. It really does look good! I will keep a eye on this site.

Henrik Eiriksson - 11/14/97 13:42:28
My URL:http://delfi.lyngbyes.dk/~d95305
My Email:d95305@nt2.lyngbyes.dk
Was just surfing, stumbled in here and found your very nice page. Greetings from an Icelandic in Denmark :)

Wolf - 10/22/97 02:47:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1017
My Email:wolfsorrow@geocities.com
I love your page! You've got some great links!

cyndee - 10/13/97 19:14:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1380
My Email:cyndee@revealed.net
I'm impressed this is really neat. Great job!

Sara Burton - 10/13/97 02:02:49
My Email:sara@revealed.com
hi pretty cool page i will defenitly have to come back i think your page rocks

Shep - 09/24/97 22:55:04
My URL:http://user.centralnet.net/burtsie
My Email:burtsie@centralnet.net
Cool page, am giving your URL to my cyber friends!

Hawgwild - 09/21/97 05:39:09
My URL:http://www.inficad.com/~cyberknight
My Email:cyberknight@inficad.com
Wow! You have a talent for setting a mood. I'm ready to give up scooters and take up jousting! Great web site!

Ian Kennedy - 09/17/97 22:51:19
My URL:http://thunder.indstate.edu/~kennedyi
My Email:kennedyi@coral.indstate.edu
Lookin' good kiddo! :)

Cyndee - 09/13/97 18:20:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/5064
My Email:cyndee@revealed.net
This is a test!

HippieSue - 09/13/97 06:45:36
My URL:http://home.revealed.net/laura
My Email:laura@revealed.net
Cool page! like, way far freakin' out man

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