The Hearth

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ID=Crescendo CLASSID="clsid.0FC6BF2B-E16A-11CF-AB2E-0080AD08A326" HEIGHT=55 WIDTH=200> EMBED TYPE="music/crescendo" SONG="romeo.mid" PLUGINSPAGE="" HEIGHT=55 WIDTH=200

Family & friends, gathered at The Hearth

torch torch

The Kingdom of Cyberia

In the magical Kingdom of Cyberia, linear measure doth not separate family and friends. The warmth of the hearth doth draw a gathering of good souls beyond time and distance. Here, at the hearth, thou will find the path to mine family & friends...mine heart.


links below

The final frontier... Shep's Oasis...mine brother

Jokes, jokes, and more jokes!Hippie Sue's Links...mine sister

Simply stated...Shroutbah World Headquarters...mine brother

What an attitude!Mrs. Attitude....mine youngest daughter & friend

The Floyd!The Page 'O Floyd

...and nitro's for racing!Dilley's Racing Team

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle MaintenanceMotorcycle Scientist

Clog dancing funTwin City Cloggers


home is where the heart isHome