
Welcome to The Myst, home of Lady Willow
The Myst has retunred. The Myst first appeared in 1996 in GeoCities. It was formerly found at for those who remember GeoCities in the "pre-Yahoo!" days when Yahoo! was a popular new search engine and had not purchased GeoCities yet! The restoring of the Myst begins this day June 29, 2004, I'll try to keep it as close to the original as possible but there's a lot of work to be done. Wish me well and visit often. Until then...annon!
The Mist

Enchantment level



guardian of magic

The Mist

Right click on the note below to control the music

Good Morrow M'Lords, Ladies, Peasants, and Urchins

Welcome, I'm Lady Willow. You have entered the enchanted land of The Myst, in the Great Kingdom of Cyberia. Your imagination is the seed that produces it's magic. I've added a few fun links and an enchanted post office to get started with. Keep checking in because more will be added! Some of the subjects will be Renaissance, life and times of William Shakespeare, shoppes, herbs, calligraphy, and maybe a bit of storytelling. A forum on philosophy may be added also. Feel free to page me if you have any suggestions or comments, and don't forget to sign the guestbook! At any rate, please return soon, as change is inevitable...


Memorial PageIn Memory of "Jughead"

Lady WillowWho's Lady Willow?

Prithee traveler, enter mine enchanted post office where thou will find Free Digital Postcards!

Free Digital Postcards!


links below

Ren Faire Fun Reniassance Faire...

Shakespeare LinksShakespeare............

Enjoy this site for hours!Medieval Times........

Midi Music LinksMidi Music..............

Gather at The Hearth withFamily & Friends...

Calligraphy ArtCalligraphy............ does your garden grow?Herbs......................

Gather 'round, it's story tyme...The Storytellers.....


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Prithee traveler, ere thou depart, enter mine rose and add thine writings to mine Guest Book.

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Thou mayest view mine Guest Book

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